I know it is a weird take, but personally in anniversary tbc, I’d like some buffs to be raidwide. I remember back in tbc classic, there was always drama about who gets placed in which groups. “oh we need a feral war enh 2 hunters in this one. we need ret, feral, warrior, rogue, enh in this other one. oh and sorry xx, your getting left out of the boomkin group cause there is too many of you castors. oh we need at least 4 shamans to do anything cause heroism.”
Would make raid comps way less cookie cutter. I’d even take the raidwide heroism with sated that resets on every boss kill/wipe. (granted this one is a bit personal since whoever is subbed out for an extra group lust loses all group buffs and people don’t like to re-apply them mid combat looking at you warrior zugs who refuse to battleshout when your groupmate gets swapped back in.)
All in all. I just think it might be interesting to see and raid TBC raids with some raidwide buffs changes. Granted, do I expect them to do it? Probably not. Would I still raid if no changes are made? Yes. Do I think any of these changes might actually happen? The heroism one is most likely if any groupwide to raidwide changes happen.
What would happen if thus changes were made? Well, there would have to be a raidwide cap on some buffs that stack… looking at you hunters. otherwise it would make raid comps even worse. But other than that, I’d hope to see some variety in comps. Also, would remove a big negative stereotype from rogues. Cause personally a rogue without a buff for his 5man group just makes other salty “oh you can iea? then do it from the other physical damage group, kthx”.
Also to everyone who will comment #nochanges. There is already quite a few made… boons. dual spec. buff cap removal, debuff cap removal. some world buffs going from magic to non magic buff. There’s prob more I haven’t thought of.
But yeah. just some thoughts from a feral.
bring this post up again in jan/feb 2026
when tbc will actually be coming out soon
Raidwide Heroism/Bloodlust seems okay, but I just don’t like raidwide Shaman totems. None of the content needs a Shaman in each raid group: necksweats conflate “MUH PINK PARSES” with “NOBODY KILLS PRENERF VASHJ WITHOUT 5 SHAMAN”. so transparent.
Ngl raid buffs are just better gameplay than group buffs from pretty much every point of view, I wouldn’t mind this change
If you have raid-wide buffs, some classes you will only ever want to take 1 of. You realize this would make raids even more cookie-cutter and make your problem even worse?
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No buffs are not going to be raid wide…we want TBC era not TBC era with changes, you’re already getting dual spec more than likely and instant mail. If you make buffs raid wide the bosses in all TBC raids will need rebalancing…Welcome to having 8 locks 8 mages and 4 hunters, why do people keep coming up with dumb ideas. But im sure blizz will be like ok will do it just to get people to quit and play retail
They’re open to changes that are good for the health of the game and I think some changes to raid buffs fits that exactly.
Lets be clear, anniversary servers from the start are not no-changes. It is pro-changes that are good for the health of the game. Stated clearly from the beginning.
1 change I think anyone with a brain can behind is changing bloodlust/heroism. Moving groups mid boss to chain bloodlust to the same group is not good for the game. It’s frustrating, annoying, breaks many people’s raid frame addons in combat.
We need to give bloodlust a sated debuff and make it raid wide. That one change alone should be mandatory.
This is really just about having less competition for loot isn’t it?
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I made this post about this very topic a couple weeks ago.
Basically was the same thing except for some of the totems being raid wide along with lust
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you complain about everything being easy yet always take the easiest route??? Be a lot more people not play if they make raid buff changes than if they dont’t. Guess its blizz’s choice
Nobody is going to avoid TBC because of minor raid buff changes.
Requiring five shamans isn’t hard…
If anything it helps the lesser raid teams out this does absolutely nothing to the higher end raids.
I’d already bet with megaservers being the only options for some people they will stray away, go ahead make them changes. This basically deletes the entire gathering game we see this already in classic. (herpa derrpa derr you can just do dme runs) We’ll see what happens anything to make it easier for people
I mean this kind of change helps the lower end guild more than anything.
What do you think is going to happen to your raid team when a better team steals your shamans?
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this is true. tbc ends up revolving into shaman stealing by sunwell
So crazy that people are against these changes when they’re the ones who are going to suffer because it isn’t changed.
I disagree with this sentiment. None of the changes they have made thus far have lead to drastically changing what raid compositions will look like for Vanilla OR TBC. The removal of the debuff limit is the closest thing to what is being proposed here. But that had little to no effect on the average raid comp and no effect on the high end raid comp. If these proposed changes were to be added to TBC this would drastically change raiding comps, it would drastically change how we look at TBC raiding and would go against Blizzards plan to “Closely mirror the Classic Vanilla experience, with minimal deviation from the 2019 version.”
You are essentially asking for a completely different end-game for TBC
All it changes is meta-grouping mid combat.
Depends on how far you want to read into OPs proposal. Your proposal of just making BL/Hero give sated is 100% fine imo. Making most buffs/totems raid wide changes things drastically.
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this would be a completely awful comp, no retri for 3rd pala buff, no arms for phys, no fury or arms for bshout, no spriest for the mages, no boomkin, no ele, far too many mages to innervates, no sunder, ur mages and hunters would be useless. Warlocks are the only class that you can really stack without a lot of support
already 24/25 with no healers or tanks if we added them
tbc is insanely cookie cutter, you already bring 1x of utility basically except enha and resto shamans
standard comp has
1 arms, 1 ret, 1 spriest, 1 ele, 1 boomy, 1 survival (maybe), these guys would all be guaranteed raid spots in a 25 man with raid wide buffs
so we would be looking at
maybe losing a resto shaman spot, maybe losing an enhance spot, the rest would be fairly the same
The result would either be: very mixed raid comps or extremely stacked warlock or phys comps (warrior/hunter stack with all the phys support and no casters, kind of like classic right now, i guess you’d have to bring a boomkin for imp ff)