TBC PvP is hot garbage

Classic TBC PvP:

  • Mass amounts of people buying gold/earning through GDKPs
  • RMT/Legit gold mixed together in GDKPs which award tokens to convert to PvP gear and some PvE gear can also be very OP in PvP.
  • Wallet Walter and his P2W buddies buy out raid items, full PvP sets essentially skipping a 100 - 200+ hour Honor/Arena grind for $100 - 200.

Right now BGs & Arenas are impossible for new players, everyone is too geared, everyone will 1 shot you with their 5k USD Warglaives they bought off some 3rd party site and the community is dead and everything is just constant GDKP/Mage Boost spam daily in LFG.

Basically Classic TBC is like a poorly moderated, P2W Private Server with a Blizzard logo stamped on it.

The other problem with TBCC is that certain classes are just plain better than others, the metas are hardstuck and everyone just plays meta.

I want to move from TBCC to Retail but only if Retail PvP is better.



he was right all along

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This is exactly why I won’t be playing Wrath. I played at the beginning of TBCC and saw this already starting and nope’d out.

Can’t really blame the game. It was great for its time.

It’s just the player base and the different dynamic now vs 15 years ago. Modern, instant gratification players. Older players with less time to play than back then. The metas already known for years.

I think Blizz can still do a lot more to help Classic, but they can’t really stop the players from playing meta specs or running gdkps.


JAB never answered specifically to the matter of PvP though, but you can still feel that satisfying, arrogant grin. I’m glad I never came back to Classic for the PvP.

I never thought I wanted it, and I never really did wanted it.

What is considered “blizzard quality” now? That’s changed a bit over the past 10 years to mean something completely different. Too many of us refuse to see what blizzard quality is today and think it means what it did 10 years ago.

When people wanted classic, they wanted a classic blizzard quality version as well.

its sad because TBC and moreso wrath actually had a lot of interesting things that went away over the years, game designs that when I play modern wow, I’d almost hope they’d revert to

things like lifebloom being 80% of my healing breakdown or every other game being a rogue… bear and cat form costing 7% of my mana bar. the same cookie cutter talents (somehow less interesting than retail’s talent system). obnoxious restrictions to teams or being willing to teamhop and instead being forced into 5v5 …

and although wrath solves this specific issue, and this one is often shrugged off by diehard TBC nerds, the RNG aspect is a real killer for me personally. never in a million years should I hesitate to shift bear and bash someone because there’s a 1/4 chance it just won’t work.

the gearing design IE stat choices, gems and enchants. the choice between wearing more pve gear or pvp gear, actual interesting trinket choices, these are all nice. it’s a shame the way any of this is obtained, pieces of gear going for more than an epic flyer by gold that isn’t earned by legitimate means. the raids being grossly undertuned for the sake of legitimate reets who want to enjoy TBC confirms that PVE wouldn’t be as enjoyable yet the gear is nearly mandatory

most of these issues culminate in a cash cow that blizzard won’t hold off on recycling, thus we’re left with a game that is worse than the original expansion itself. luckily for classic enough retail rejects swapped over to it that it can sustain itself (barely)


work a chit job for like 10 hours and u skip all that jazz??? i mean do u hear urself. do the math

People don’t play TBC for it’s Arena and PVP. We know it’s hot garbage and it doesn’t even have anything to do with RMT and GDKPs.

It has everything to do with class design not being all there yet, and it doesn’t really get fixed till Wrath. Wrath is when skill becomes more of a factor due to classes having more options for counterplay.

Either way, play what you enjoy. I wouldn’t play this game only for arena and BGs because there’s better options for games like that out there

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What’s funny about blizzard’s response is they failed to see why, fundamentally, people wanted classic, excluding the obvious nostalgia and some people failing to realize that things are more fun when you’re a kid.

It’s as if neither side was willing to say “there’s a happy medium between the more open world and free-form concept of classic wow and the inhibiting systems in retail wow”

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When you accept and even glorify a company reselling you decades old products, you are signing up for disappointment. its the reason i never played classic. There is no universe in which blizzard resells you the same game that already existed, and cares enough to try and make that game bearable to play.

Millions of people(or w/e the classic numbers are) have already admitted they do not give two craps about their power as consumers. They will eat whatever slop is put on their plate. Whining about it does not mean you’re not eating the slop.

I’m eating the slop on retail but at the very least the seasoning is changed every once in a while.

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By far the major reason i dont even bother.
Miss, resists etc im sorry but lol.