TBC Mage boosting 2021 is alive

There s a good reason: dead server.

Iā€™m telling you, seed of corruption is another sleeper hit for boosting. Not sure if it qualifies as aoe, since itā€™s a dot, but I remember it being very viable back in TBC for boosting. Especially since it goes through some walls.

I think a nerf to level boosting this way is especially unlikely now, since people will rightly be upset and think itā€™s because they donā€™t want players making attractive levelling options that donā€™t cost the price of a blizzard boost.

Why would they fix this? They donā€™t really want to fix drums. This form of aoe was viable back in the day in TBC. And if itā€™s not a mage itā€™s just going to be a paladin instead.

Seed of Corruption has wonky coding, or it did originally. It was originally a single target DoT that exploded as an AoE that counted as single target spells. I know this because the mobs in Gnomeregan that give their allies a spell reflect made me 1-shot myself when my SoC exploded and several dozen instances of SoC reflected back at me.

They donā€™t tank 300 in raids but the AoE cap works off 10 mobs, SSC/Mt Hyjal there are times when they might be holding more than 10 mobs.

That soundsā€¦ hilarious, like, thanks for the laugh lol.

Might be a function of spell reflect. Did it to a mage that popped mirror images and pom pyro during WotLK - 1 shot himself when they all reflected back onto him :rofl:

No, because Arcane Explosion and other AoE spells do not get spell reflected. Youā€™re referencing multiple single target mechanics being spell reflected, which makes sense, though it would be odd for them to reflect to the mage specifically and not the mirror image that cast it. Also mirrors didnā€™t cast pyro, they did frost bolt and fire blast, so I think you may be misremembering.

I got boosted by a mage once. I felt dirty afterward.
I took many showers.

The terrain exploits are really the issue. Boosting will happen regardless of aoe caps and whatnot. At 70, any class can go back and clear old world dungeon content pretty efficiently (not like mages or paladins for sure but it can be done).

My only concern is mages or any other class soloing current content. If mobs would simply follow the pathing of their target directly this wouldnā€™t be possible. If the mage jumps on a box and onto a wall the mobs do exactly the same thing. The mage might be able to stay away for a while but the mobs will eventually catch up.

You could also place enrage timers on dungeon trash mobs so that after a couple minutes they enrage and become immune to cc, have 30% run speed buff, and will generally truck anything they catch up with

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