TBC: Macro Broken Max Learned Spells

I’m currently level 61 Horde Troll Mage and I’m creating macros to auto update to the max rank of my spells and abilities. I do this by making a simple macro to show the tool tip and cast the spell.

/cast Fireball

By default the macro system picks the highest rank spell you have learned in your spell book. However this is not the case when I try to do Frostbolt. It will not go past rank 3 with the following macro.

/cast Frostbolt

However manually specifying the rank for frost bolt respects the rank you give it. I think the intended behavior for a macro with no rank is to select the highest learned move. Which in my case should be frost bolt rank 11 not rank 3

I’m not sure if this is exclusive to frostbolt there may be others but this is the only one I have found.


This also seems to be the case with Fire Blast, Flamestrike and Arcane Intellect


Can confirm this issue exists. I’ll provide my experiences to see if this helps the devs.

I use a complex macro:

/cast [mod:shift,harm] Devouring Plague; [@mouseover,nomod,harm,nodead] Shadow Word: Pain; [help] Renew; [harm] Shadow Word: Pain; Renew

What I have found is when I first login and cast renew without a target it will cast rank 5 Renew on myself. As you can see in the macro, I have not specified this rank anywhere, but that’s what is cast.

Now this behavior changes after I join a party, it will cast the highest rank renew, after I leave group it will continue to cast the highest rank renew on myself. Same macro, no changes except I joined and left a party.

2nd part of this Macro is to cast Shadow Word: Pain on a harmful target. This casts rank 8 regardless of what I do. I can change the macro to specifically cast rank 10 but I shouldn’t have to do that and I have other macros that properly take the correct ranks (ex: Power Word: Shield, Inner Fire, Smite… etc)

Experiencing the same issue. I use a castsequence macro for my totems. No ranks specified. However it is no longer dropping max rank.

Same thing happening here but with shaman abilities

I currently have a macro for each one of my shocks to start auto attack after so I have to press fewer buttons overall aka the shaman way

My frost shock macro works and does cast the highest rank
#showtooltip Frost Shock
/cast Frost Shock

Flame shock works and cast the highest rank
#showtooltip Flame Shock
/cast Flame Shock

the issue lies within my Earth shock macro
#showtooltip Earth Shock
/cast Earth Shock

as you can see it looks almost Identical to the ones that work however instead of casting the highest rank it cast rank 2 and when I try and specify to cast (Rank 8) the highest learned one I have. it gives me an error as if I haven’t learned rank 8. this only started happening after I disconnected while learning new abilities.

Having the same issue with Totem macros. Any generic cast macro (/cast Mana Spring Totem) always brings out Rank 3, even when I have higher ranks in my spellbook. Any idea what the issue is?

I do see the same issue.

/cast [mod:alt, @player] [help] Flash Heal; [harm] Mind Blast; Flash Heal;

SOMETIMES casts Flash Heal rank 5

I have this issue also, Arcane Shot, Multi-Shot, and Serpent Sting all casting Rank 1

I have the same issue. It happens on my druid and on my shaman. Not every macro has this issue. For my druid I notice MotW and Thorns only and my shaman is totems and some spells. Relogging was fixing it sometimes but lately it does not. I have to put ranks on everything to be sure (and remember to update macros when I level the ability). Note that both my druid and my shaman are boost characters and I’m wondering if this is a factor?

I hate to ask a dumb question, but I’d like to check my macros on my hunter. How can you tell what rank the macro is using?
Also, to add rank to a macro, is it like /cast serpent sting(Rank 10)?
Thank you in advance. My hunter is also a boosted character.

I get this as well and it is troubling.