TBC is coming let's gooo

Yeah I’m more looking forward to potential Wrath or MoP arena

yea. I really enjoyed BC. I don’t want to play it again. Then what? Wrath? I feel like if wrath came back, it would be really bad for retail. but… maybe retail is dead at that point.

Cool. Can play my Enhance and delete people with a sword spec windfury enhanced bloodlusted war.

Well thats disappointing i was hoping they’d jump straight to wrath and NOT have arena teams.

TBC 2s was nothing buy Rdruid/Warrior and Rsham/warrior at higher end as far as I remember. Mage had to drink as they ran out of mana in any long match. Most people didn’t even have keys bound or macros that I played against. Man fun times though.

I’m still gonna play ele if rogues wanna D me down for another 13 years

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When was arena the most active?

TBC will have the same problem Classic does. Nothing new everyone plays FOTM and 50% of game will be warrior/healer. Watch some old TBC 2v2 videos. People at 2k not even knowing they can dispel. Call me when wrath comes out.


this is the hottest thing ive ever read.

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Idk I thought Lock/Rdruid and Hunter/Rdruid were very prevalent with 45 minute mana drain games.

One step closer to WOTLK

even if the meta is terrible at least there’s pvp vendors and i don’t have to pve to gear

i’ll take my chances w/ it

and b4 any1 jumps on me and goes 'well aktually" warglaives or 4 pc bonuses

better than literally everything


the community was already divided which is why sub numbers were so abysmal. nobody wants to touch bfa pvp

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why on earth would that make sub numbers dismal

if either game was good wow would be highly subscribed to. classic is just a dinosaur from a game systems perception. perhaps long-grind MMOs are a thing of the past as our attention spans become shorter and shorter

People will subscribe en masse just like classic. Arena on live will be dead, the entire game is based on mythic+ atm. Look at how DH is built, gl on get another hobby bud.

ok that’s fine i just want to be able to casually pvp with my friends

and by casually i mean i can pvp and not have to slog through at 10+ hrs a week of content i have 0 interest in


There’s a good chance, at least for a bit, if TBC comes out that I will not be playing on Live.

In the same boat myself. TBC would certainly be fun, but the reality is I did it once already. I want new, and good content. Not old, good content, and new bad content.

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If TBC comes out, that means that eventually we’ll get Wrath. So I’m fine with this.

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