TBC is classic with flying and not an mmo

We understand. You’re just wrong.



If retail was better I’d have never quit playing.

All TBC did, retail does exactly the same.

How is that wrong again?

Please explain.

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No. It does not. Please try leaving your mental gymnastics somewhere else.


That’s not an explanation.

I’ll wait.

And to throw more on the fire, Wrath is better than TBC.

No one cares about TBC except Blood Elf players and people that started in TBC.

Now, where’s that explanation to how TBC is different than retail besides not having transmog and “sort of” having dwindling traits from Classic.

eats popcorn


You did not play TBC if you think this.

I am not going to play mind-games with you :stuck_out_tongue:


TBC was like a polished classic. Nothing like retail at all.


That’s a lot of people.

I’ll take a shot at explaining how they’re different.

TBC has the point per level talent trees. Like Classic
TBC has a hybrid tax. It’s not as bad, but it’s still there. Like Classic
TBC has gear itemization like Classic
Most importantly, TBC was created by pretty much the same team that made Classic.

Now please, explain how TBC is just like retail. I’ll wait.

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Classic did not have:

Flying mounts
TCG items
Blood Elves
Paladins on Horde
Shamans on Alliance
25 man raids
Half the playerbase being a hybrid class

People who say that TBC is actually ANYTHING like classic or vanilla are completely full of BS the game is miles closer to retail than it is to Vanilla.

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Wouldn’t really call it a polished Classic. And yes, I enjoy both Classic and BC.

Flying is so poorly implemented.
Certain specs are still mainly brought for buffs/debuffs like ret paladins and balance druids.
Not every issue that was a concern in Classic was addressed in BC. People seem to think BC is going to solve every issue they had with Classic. As someone who played retail Vanilla and BC there were many issues not “fixed” until Wrath and beyond.

I played a feral in retail Vanilla and BC as I do now. Feral druid tanking still lacks decent AoE past spamming three targets with Maul and Swipe. This is sorta addressed in Wrath.

Feral DPS was still reliant on powershifting and will be again in Classic BC. I can tell you the Vanilla and BC devs didn’t intend for ferals to be using form shifting in this way. That said we aren’t brought for DPS. We’re brought because we are hybrids. We can tank AND dps in the same spec with some gear changes. We bring MotW/GotW, a battle rez, innervate, and the ability to save a wipe by tanking if the tank dies.

That said it’s still not balanced by retail standards. I don’t really care for balance between the classes. The classes are much more interesting in their Vanilla and BC niches than what they evolved into over the expansions. I mean feral gets split in two and I have to break retail players coming to Classic calling a bear tank a “guardian druid”. No, we’re feral druids.

But back to the point, BC is more polished than Classic, but still has a lot of spots and blemishes if you’re looking for class balance.

Doesn’t matter world pvp is a meme and multiboxers run rampant on PVP servers.

Doesn’t matter and probably won’t be in the game unlike the original World of Warcraft collector’s edition pets. self burn.

Doesn’t really matter. This was before race changes so these races did not take over the game like in later expansions.

Could argue some flavor was lost but in the world of Arena being the end game of PVP it makes almost 0 difference.

Good things that drastically increase the PVP skill ceiling. Also makes random BGs more fun since all of the tryhard players are in Arena unless they are gearing alts.

Good thing, trims the fat from bloated rosters and makes the encounters a lot better.

Makes dungeons a part of the endgame GROUP content, no more solo yolo all day in dungeons. Also stops a lot of sketchy gold farming activities.

Didn’t bother me, supplemental gold income and a way to speed up reputation if you wanted to farm items at a faster rate than just doing the dungeons.

So? I would rather have a diverse roster where almost all specs have a spot in a ideal comp rather than “just bring more Warriors”.


I like how you completely tried to turn the conversation around instead of telling me how TBC isn’t like Retail.

TBC is like RETAIL, and retail is a better version of TBC.



I said TBC was more like retail than classic since my very first post in this thread… I’m not sure what you’re trying to get here.

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Oh my bad. Thought you were the other guy LOL

Flying is not an MMO
Classic is TBC
Classic is an MMO

No. Dont playt it.

TBC fixes most of the problems vanilla had while keeping the design goals for class design of vanilla. Classes are unique and have strong and weak points.[quote=“Alasmin-netherwind, post:30, topic:694588”]
Half the playerbase being a hybrid class

So you think the player base being 60% mage/warrior is good class balance and game design?

I’m sorry but what?

And lol at the people saying flying killed world pvp.

I remember very vividly keeping that parachute cloak (engineering) ready to dive bomb people who thought mounting up would save them. And nogenfoggers and that’s with being a hunter.

Mages and priests could slow fall/levitate druids could hit you from high up and flight form (long enough fall time to exit combat) or if you were close to the ground cat form to negate fall damage.

Flying changed world pvp, it didn’t remove it.

Flying became a bad thing when they added it to places it never should have been added to. Cataclysm is what turned flying “bad”. Before cataclysm the complaining about flying was almost non-existent.

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As far as I know, in BC all they did was add to the game. Took nothing away. Flying, guild banks, more spec viability.

In WOLK they added some more, but also started taking away. They took elites out of the old world. Took away half of your talent points to play with. But the game mostly still played the same way.

Cata was when they changed the game to what is retail. They changed how classes worked, how the world was interacted with. They should have just made a new game if they were going to change it that much.


60% of the playerbase were not warriors or mages in actual Vanilla, like 50% of the playerbase were rogues alone, and of course a huge number of notorious Huntards.

Mages were overbuffed in patch 1.11, and warriors are only such a big thing now because of speed clearing and world buff stacking. Neither class was nearly as popular in vanilla as they are now in classic.

I never said flying killed world PvP but it does drastically change things from Vanilla/classic and there were complaints about flying in both TBC and WOTLK. WoW players complain about everything, flying mounts and flying did not dodge this need for consistent complaining btw.

A lot of this boils down to subjective opinion and when someone actually started playing the game but TBC was the beginning of Blizzard trying to homogenize every class and the overall game experience.

No, TBC was not the start of the homogenization of the classes. That was WotLK.

TBC made every class talents specalization more viable but it didn’t make classes have the abilities of other classes.

Making a paladin a viable tank is not homogenization, it’s making it able to perform the role that class/spec combination was designed to fill.

WotLK is when classes began to homogenize, not TBC.

And the 60% of warrior/mage population is what classic has. It’s better for classes to be more even in population for the game. Because having 15 warriors in a raid all wanting the same item causes drama instead of people having fun.


I think you mean me

Given this conversation, I’m not sure you know what a fact is. But please, lay out your argument.

Edit: for all the TBC sucks people, you don’t have to play it. You’re becoming just like the people on the retail forums who were anti Classic for so long. You’ve become that which you hate.

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