TBC flying is back and it feels good. Here is why

Howdy, it feels very good for TBC flying to be back. TBC flying being back is so great because I feel that we have taken back control of the true joy and freedom that WoW has historically been all about as a fantasy MMOPRG. I also feel that TBC flying allows you to play at a pace that is relaxing and not stressing with a go go go mentality which I truly love. I also think this go go go mentality that has crept into every aspect of the game is a turn off for many people, myself included!

Too many times some people have focused on the speed and ease of flying over terrain to reach an objective. But teleports and flight whistles accomplish the same thing and are also much faster. So lets go a bit deeper than such convenience as to why TBC flying provides such joy to many people. Also, some people have focused on the aerial acrobatics you can do with flight which is fun and I agree! But! It is not what truly pulls people in to love TBC flying compared to other modes of flying, gliding and slow falling that is available in a fantasy MMORPG like WoW.

TBC flying allows you to take a break and soak in all the beauty from above and enjoy the artists work. I have said this many times but the artists of BlizZard are AAA+ and the best in the industry. Anyways, in my opinion TBC flying is about playing at your pace that is congruent to your play session and you can decide to explore more without feeling penalized or fighting against cool downs/energy bar mechanics. You can also change tasks far more quickly with TBC flying based on if a friend logs on or you have to change your goals during your play session which feels organic and fun! Whether that is a result of real life or something else that has occured in game and you need to change your plans on the fly which is what makes TBC flying so cool IMVHO. Such flexibility is why I really prefer TBC flying above anything else. MMORPGS should be all about choices and options and that is where TBC flying truly shines in a fantasy MMORPG like WoW which is why it is a core staple and a great evergreen system since Burning Crusade.

What I am saying is that TBC flying allows far more exploration and gathering/mining for rares and nodes and is closer to the spirit of MMORPG open world exploration. Non flyers have always assumed that the love of flying is tied to speed but as we have seen the demand is rising for TBCl flying to return ASAP, because of the flexibility that TBC flying provides.

This is because many true open world players prefer TBC flying so they can explore and gather everything while those that view everything that the open world has to offer as a “chore” and want to speed through it ASAP . And as a result many do not understand the appeal of TBC flying because they view it as “inferior”.

Which is why some of those that love DR exclusively refuse to understand why someone would want to spend so much time in the open world on something they deem as “inferior” like TBC normal flying. As I have mentioned many times since WoD beta TBC flying is a nice balance between speed and convenience. Not as fast teleports, flight whistles or DR but not as slow as ground travel by foot or ground mounts. I would argue that TBC flying is the most balanced evergreen system ever put in place since BC as it has stood the test of time and it is very, very popular!

Happy flying again TBC flyers! Show off those variety of flying mounts!!! TBC flying is back! Cheers my WoW friends! Rejoice! We are out of the dark ages once more.

Ride that wave for TBC flying is going to break free of the shackles once more!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


We get it, you want to go slow.


Not slow but normal. That is why TBC flying is called normal for a reason.

The go go go mentality that has infested WoW makes some people very toxic. But the beauty of TBC flying is a zen like experience that can not replicated.


Ride the wave of Blood Elf customization and TBC flying being back for the second patch. Dragonflight will go from a ghost town to a vibrant community all because of those two big changes.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s weird to think that you can’t take in the beauty of the game on a drag riding mount. I can. I guess some people just process visual data more slowly. It’s good that you all get your air swimming back so you can enjoy the game at your special pace again. I’m happy for you little buddy. Have fun!


Exactly ride the wave! Hype hype hype.

BE customizations and TBC flying back. BlizZard had to do something to stop the bleeding of Subs.

Those were their aces in their sleeve!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


aw hell nah

Why you want me to make a part 2?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I prefer DR.

I would prefer static flying if I was still multiboxing.

yeah sure bro :grinning: :point_up:

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I’m hoping ground mounts eventually get replaced by train conductor jobs, two honks for more coal, blackhand wants those shipments to talador yesterday

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Well I’ll be done my world quests in the amount of time it takes you to fly to them I guess.

I plan to use both forms of flying. I miss my raven form but can also use dragon riding when I need to go long distance.


Okay I will do that later in the week. For now lets focus on this thread.

TBC flying being back is great and here are more reasons as to why:

WoW as a fantasy MMORPG to me represents a break from the stress of the real world and where I can wind down and relax. TBC flying, questing, doing basic dungeons, crafting, and gathering are all zen-like activities to me where I can chill and relax. If I really want the adrenaline to pump I will do some PVP! But ask any PVP player that has done non stop PVP and it is hard and emotionally and physically draining to do it constantly. Even PVP players need to take a break! I am sure that applies to those that do raiding and M+ too. I do not see the appeal to making basic function of flying into a mini game which requires constant attention.

There are more than enough tasks that compete with our attention in WoW as it is so adding more to the plate actually burns people out even faster. I know it is counter intuitive to think about but there is some truth to this. Not only it is not appealing but borderline revolting. Yuck. Only thing worse is the Maw with no mounts. What kind of design was that?

In general, I do not find this constant go go go menalitity fun or needing to concentrate every second I am logged into WoW. To me this go go go mentality may be a black stain on WoW at the moment because WoW has depth to it beyond constant competition which is the appeal of classic WoW In my view. Furthermore, I am a human being and not a machine that needs to concentrate every nano second in game. And lets not forget this is just a fantasy game not a job or supposed to be a simulator of real life physics.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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hey op if this is your main guess what you will not have the static flying unlocked when the new patch is out.

That is perfectly fine.

More options the better!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I’ll be using both. Both styles have their place.

I love the DR races and it’s fun for long spaces.
It’s frustrating for gathering and questing is small spaces.

There is a place for both.



Give people the choice! It makes sense to me and it also makes dollar sense. $$$

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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It’s effectively glider vs helicopter.

I find it funny Pathfinder is still a thing

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Actually it’s called “Static” flying. Because it is just so slow and boring you feel like you’re standing still :stuck_out_tongue: