Tbc era? or is this just a waste of time?

Nobody wants wrath.


nope only 1 year wont be enjoyable to me i need 5+ years with tbc


well I’m sorry to tell you that such a person is a very small, niche audience :expressionless:
TBC, like all expansions, is meant to be a transitory experience. They want you playing the next expansion asap. It was designed this way because back in the day, you had to actually buy each expansion in addition to a monthly fee. And they were expensive, lemme tell ya.

bad take classic era are 5 year old vanilla servers with 10k raiders on NA. alot of players like to be able to take their time and not rush. era allows for a different type of playstyle never seen before


1 year will be enjoyable if that’s all I can get, but I won’t be happy. Give me TBC era after that and I’ll be ecstatic.


i wont have enough time if all we get is 1 year of tbc. we need to know if its gonna be permanent