TBC: Druid questions

Druid spells have changed so much over the expansions, I am having a hard time remembering when certain spells were changed into which form.

I really did try to google this but cant find concrete answers with how many WoW sites/expacs there has been. So,

  1. Didn’t at some point entangling roots become usable indoors? TBC? or later?
  2. I think druids normal rezz was introduced in wrath?
  3. I remember an expansion where Moonkins could mele for mana, was that TBC?
  4. Does the TBC druid have the eclipse/lunar mechanic or was that Wrath?
  5. last question, Is barksin usable while in form? in classic you have to barkskin out of form then shift into form, which does not work well when you are already tanking.

Thanks in advance!

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Later than BC, is the answer to all five of your questions.


Good questions tbh. The only one I know is #4: The eclipse mechanic wasn’t introduced until WotLK.

  1. Roots are usable indoors in WOTLK
  2. Druids having a baseline ressurect was also WOTLK
  3. I don’t remember boomers every getting mana back from melee attacks unless it was a set bonus or some weird talent.
  4. Balance druids got lunar and eclipse in WOTLK
  5. Barkskin is now useable while stunned but still removes you from form to cast it. This is changed in WOTLK. However, the downsides of using barkskin is removed in TBC (slower melee attack speed, etc).

I think the expansion you’re looking for is Wrath XD.

Omen of Clarity in TBC, which will be in the resto tree 11 points in, allows your melee attacks to occasionally proc a free spell cast. This is a change from vanilla, which only gave free energy/rage attacks on procs.

That is entirely untrue.

This but yes boomkins get Mana back on autos base. It’s a chance and scales with ap I think.

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“I remember an expansion where Moonkins could mele for mana, was that TBC?”

Yes, In TBC you can melee in Moonkin Form for a chance to restore mana based on your attack power.

What??? Bro do you even druid? Don’t spread misinformation lol.

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Wrong, Vanilla (the one we have now) Omen of Clarity works on Bear, Cat, and Caster spells.
Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Healing Touch, Rejuv, hell even Thorns can consume Omen of Clarity procs.

  1. Do bear tanks need to farm pummlers?
  2. Are moonkins considered good DPS or a meme dps in PvE?
  3. Is resistance gear still huge in TBC for tanks?
  4. Do bear and moonkins still have aura?

I played TBC, but I was a back peddling mage that relied on a pom pyro macro.

  1. Wrath
  2. Wrath
  3. TBC
  4. Wrath
  5. Wrath
  1. No. It is haste rating, not raw percentage so it no longer scales super well, plus we get some hefty FAP weapons.
  2. Solid DPS, not competitive on their own, but highly beneficial to any raid that slots one in for their buffs/debuffs.
  3. Yes. You’ll want at a minimum a really good FR set for Illidan adds. What resist you need for SSC depends on what you do for Hydross.
  4. Yes.

To add to this, Moonkin is somewhere between viable and optimal. Its a great addition in 95% of raid set ups. The top% speedrunners is up in the air.

DPS is pretty bad, but they bring: 1. 3% raid-wide physical hit (ranged and melee) 2. 5% spell crit aura 3. 2% hit chance reduction (I’ve seen conflicting opinions as to whether it stacks with Scorpid Sting).

The main reason MCP isn’t necessary anymore is because the effect is changed from 3 charges to a non-charge-consuming 30 minute cooldown. So there is no logical sense in farming multiple MCP anymore.

That being said, having one in the bag specifically to use that single charge once every 30 minutes can still potentially be considered useful

Moonkins are still kind of meme’ish but one will probably be brought along for improved faerie fire (3% physical hit raidwide) and to buff the warlocks with their aura. Their personal DPS is better than now, but probably nothing to write home about.

You might want to build a set of the current polar gear (the frost resist set) if you’re looking ahead to tanking hydross frost phase.

Bears and moonkins still have their auras, and in fact their auras are buffed.

  1. No, because Haste Rating is introduced to the game. MCP gives 193 Haste Rating and no longer has charges.

  2. Moonkin are middle of the pack as far as DPS goes, but they bring a number of support talents to the raid. They have 2 talents that increase their mana regen and spell damage based on their equipment. They have access to a talent that causes Faerie Fire to increase a mob’s chance to be hit by 3%. On top of that, they provide a 5% crit aura and can now decurse while in Moonkin Form.

  3. Yes, there are a few bosses in TBC that require resistance gear.

Hydross the Unstable in SSC needs 2 tanks that are geared either with Frost or Nature Resist (depending on what form Hydross takes during the fight).

Leotheras the Blind and Al’ar require high Fire Resist gear. Interestingly, Leotheras can be tanked by a Warlock using high Fire Resist.

Mother Shahraz and Illidan require high Shadow Resist gear. Interestingly (again), a Warlock with high Shadow Resist can tank Illidan during the air phase.

  1. Yes, Bears and Moonkin give Auras. They’re increased to 5%.

Here’s what the Moonkin Form ability reads:

Shapeshift into Moonkin Form.
While in this form the armor contribution from items is increased by 400%, attack power is increased by 150% of your level and all party members within 30 yards have their spell critical chance increased by 5%.
Melee attacks in this form have a chance on hit to regenerate mana based on attack power.
The Moonkin can only cast Balance and Remove Curse spells while shapeshifted.
The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.

I mean the equivalent haste rating is so subpar that even early FAP items earned while leveling make them better than it while active so you don’t need them at all

Yeah. Could be the case. I just haven’t seen any definite math/testing on it but I’m more likely to be on your frequency, yeah.

IIRC the haste percentage is balanced for the low level of Gnomer, so it is going to automatically be nerfed at lvl60 once we get that TBC conversion, and it’ll only get weaker from there.