TBC da bomb

I love TBC


A couple more months, and you’ll be 58 and able to walk through the dark portal!

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Yeah, you need that xp boost cuz no one is playing old content. At least ur a rogue and dont have to worry about drinking or eating much for that matter. Push on lowbie you will experience true TBC soon.

stylis how do i log into my actual wow classic toon like you did and post on forums?

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nevermind! i figured it out!!!

Oh man you changed class and boosted to 70! Nice

Great you leveled a Lock… good choice. There actually a shortage on my server horde side. lol

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unfortunately all my friends wanted to play alliance and then they quit. rofl

Yes, TBCC is da bomb, and that bomb went off and left destruction and chaos in its wake.

:frowning: unfortunate

Reported for trolling. Don’t you know these forums are only for complaining? jk

I’m also thoroughly enjoying TBC. This xpac is the best WoW ever was and the best it ever will be, IMO. I just hope they don’t screw it up by giving in to the whiners and adding a bunch of modern features that don’t belong.

I hate to break it to you but you are part of the minority. So many people have quit and my super active guild is now a raid logger guild. I just log’d on my mage alt and there were 3 people online. Whereas there was always 50+ people online.

Good luck to those that started late because farming for rep and heroics are at a all time low. I hope it gets better, but I thought it. Maybe the end is near.

Can’t speak for PvPers, but for PvE first players, it’s just a lull before Phase 2. If you’re not actively playing alts, there’s just not a lot to do right now. But the release of SSC/TK in the next month or so will change that in a big way. Everyone will come back. Raiding is just about to start getting good.

The same thing happened between MC and BWL in vanilla Classic.

on his retail character? i think he can already do that with the “choose what xpack you level in” thing.

tbc hype tbc hype

Im with you. I love this xpac. Haters gone hate no matter what.

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