TBC Classic Wont Launch


I’m having trouble getting the game to launch. Classic WOW and Retail load up just fine.
TBC seems to load the starting music and the hand/finger curser but will not load any visuals.
I see the game hit’s 310k memory and then jumps between 280k-320k.

I have literally the exact same problem. Tried a few things that I know of, but…
Looks like graphics acceleration is different on TBC, so it SHOULD be driver-related?

Someone else had a similar problem with an Nvidia gfx card, and going to power management, then changing the setting from ,“optimal” to “maximum graphics performance” or something fixed their problem…

Haha I just realized my character shows my lvl 11 alt! Funny

Have you tried the standard UI reset there Targaryen. Most addons were broken by the patch.

I just found the solution today. My laptop told me drivers were up to date and working, so I didn’t bother with that, but I decided to find and download driver anyway and it works now after updating driver.
Might want to try it even if your computer says it is up to date and working fine.

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