TBC Classic : Please nerf Gladius

This guy gets it!
F R E S H can fix a great deal of these “issues”. There’s always new growth after a forest fire. Let it burn and rise from the ashes renewed and F R E S H!


Yeah I honestly can’t see any reason for them even attempting classic+. It’s a really delicate area to be messing with in the first place as most of the classic+ community obviously knows they want classic+, but they are all over the place in how they think it should be done.

Balance the specs? A major chunk is going to be mad
Add new gear? A major chunk is going to be mad
Add any new system? A major chunk is going to be mad
Add in catch up dungeons/raids? A major chunk is going to be mad

But the thing is…if you don’t add any of these things, then it’s sort of pointless to even attempt to make classic + as it isn’t really going to bring back/retain any subs for much longer than a couple months.

Now tbc/wrath… that’s guaranteed loads of subs to come back/retain for at the very least another 5-6 years. Also the cost to makes these expacs again is astronomically lower now that they have figured out how to make classic. TBC has been basically untouched so they don’t have to go back and redo the whole zone again, same with wotlk.

I would guess a majority of the ‘head-ache’ would just be discussing how the bring these expacs out. Do they bring them in with the final patch? 2.4.3 and 3.3.5? Do they try to do progressive patches with class balancing and all (because they said they actually have that data archived).

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Oh there are plenty of reasons (just look at how well OSRS does). The problem is the value proposition.

People DEFINITELY want TBC and Wrath. It’s not going to take much to get them working, either.

Oh yeah, that I completely get. But I’m just looking at it even deeper. Like the thought “Should they make more content in the classic realm?” is obviously a really attractive thing to think about.

But what would they actually do/change to make this? Think of the changes they would have to add. Whatever they do, someone is going to be furious. And if they don’t do something drastic enough, then it isn’t going to bring in a lot of money/won’t retain a lot of subs. But if they do too much then people are going to call it Retail+ or something

Yeah, I understand, there are people who would probably play this stuff till the end of time. But the 5% of those people isn’t going to be attractive to a company (which is what you pointed out)

TBC is far more popular than Classic. TBC would be alot easier than Classic+.

“TBC brings us closer to retail” Do you people hear yourselves? “OMG X LEADS TO RETAIL!!!”


Cata Classic is where it’s at. The release version.


Yeah I never understood the hesitation for this tbh but I guess I understand why it could be sort of controversial…

I get it…people worked hard for a lot of things and they want to hold onto them, but at what cost are you doing this for? I have achievements I have always wanted as well, I’ve gotten all the pvp titles I’ve ever wanted, when I had time to raid I’ve gotten a lot of those prestigious achievements as well. But if I am not enjoying the game then what are they there for?

This isn’t even a “I HATE RETAIL JUST DELETE IT” thing, but…I honestly think they need to delete retail through some lore. Whatever they so choose, have some god/boss just kill off everything. Make a new WoW, on a new planet, new characters and everything. Take the systems out that haven’t been working, put in the systems you know people like, and maybe try something new as well.

Making small minor changes to the game every 2-3 years isn’t enough.

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People who say this are too deep in the circle J of classic that they should just be ignored. Classic is amazing, don’t get me wrong, but christ…who even actually thinks this lol

NGL I enjoyed the F out of cata release. Going from the wotlk heroics to those was SO MUCH FUN. Then…well…everyone know was there knows what happened lol


Well classic is based on vanilla. Vanilla lead to a lot of changes that made the game easier. By the end of it they were making mechanically much more complex raids and buffing players’ abilities. They even added a bunch of quality of life features like cross realm BGs. Hell, vanilla is when they started adding microtransactions like paid server transfers.



Osrs was a different beast. Didn’t it come about because their attempt at a legacy server somewhat bombed? See classic didn’t have that and a classic+ could bomb.
Where as tbc and wrath are pretty much guranteed to make money.
Especially since classic was the ground work and now blizz has a blueprint.

The only thing bad about cata was they tried to stick to their stupid budget constraints and released a piss poor number of dungeons.

LOL exactly. Vanilla was supposed to be super casual Everquest. These people think they are hardcore playing Classic.

Well…they also sort of destroyed pvp as we know it to attempt to make it into an esport and make fights last 3 times as long. As well as LFR. As well as the start of professions being basically useless. And tol barad also had to be the most boring pvp event on the face of this earth.

I mainly pvp and this was the expac where I just said “Ok they severely missed on this one”

What you want has little bearing on what’s likely to happen… which is TBC. Why would they spend a bunch of time and money developing an old game when they can make as many, if not more, people happy by doing something theyve already said will now be especially easy to do. And look at Starcraft, WC3 reforged etc…

Theyre 100% releasing TBC if they follow Classic up at all. You guys should really give up your classic dreams, its just not going to happen unfortunately


Don’t forget the wrecked the leveling areas by making most of them sequels to the original versions… which didn’t make a ton of sense.

Yeah I personally didn’t realize this until way later, like Wod.

Back then I had all the characters I wanted at max level so I didn’t actually re level a character until that point.

Unless you’re talking about the 80-85 leveling in which case I will also say I was not a fan of at all. Going for vanilla>tbc the leveling felt wonderful with the zones feeling very story heavy (whether you liked the story or not that’s up to you) and very efficient and interactive.

Then going from tbc>wotlk was also a blast. The zones were a lot of fun, the dungeons in each zone was a lot of fun, the new abilities you got felt amazing.

Then going from wotlk>cata the leveling just felt…like a chore. It was very boring, the zones were really underwhelming IMO. The only thing I thought was cool was when deathwing came out every 4 hours or whatever it was and killed you.

Also, from an investor standpoint, OSRS is the only example of an MMO taking that approach, while progression servers have been shown to make money for multiple mmos.

Its the lowest cost, lowest risk move with the most potential ROI.

Something like classic+ would come as a hail mary if the entire ship was sinking, and they were willing to do whatever as they burn through their capital, if they pulled it off it would make them look like the blizzard of old and unless they messed it up entirely, would be a good PR move for the old lapsed fans.

It is the most likely thing to happen. Tbc is literally free money with no dev work needed. The classic team said the worm put into classic makes tbc so much easier to release if they elect to do so.

Classic+ has yet to be created. Thus you cannot say yet whether it is a different beast, or a beast of the same kind.