TBC classic fresh in 1 year?

Sorry had to milk the playerbase dry 1 more time on vanilla first.


They didn’t say TBC would be fresh in a year. They said classic fresh would progress to TBC in a year. As far as I can tell there is no promise to have a TBC fresh server.


Vanilla > all. They aren’t sucking us dry. We have been begging them to reset era since TBC came out the first time.


They are going for a 3 year rotation, it’s very likely happening. It will depend on how well Fresh does overall. Classic-TBC-Wrath- Repeat.


So many of the freshers are going to be sad, what they wanted was a server that they could start on and pretend to keep up. Instead it sounds like they get a server that will rapidly move thru phases about every 6 weeks. Which of course is what the streamers and pumpers want.


But i want this

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i really hope so and i hope we get to keep our characters in our expansion of choice


The more that you and others talk about it, request it, etc., the higher the likely hood you will get it. :slight_smile:

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i agree ima ask for tbc era everyday


Well they will probably announce Classic+ in about a year and it will be 2026 by the time we get into TBC at least I thought that’s what the roadmap showed like winter/spring 2026. Then maybe later that year classic+… or something.

So I guess this just creates a filler for people that wanted fresh.

Not interested in the treadmill, even if it’s only a 3-game treadmill. There needs to be character cloning if they do Wrath again, because I have zero interest.


where did they say the phases are going to be so accelerated :expressionless:

Just looking at the timeline they posted, if its at most a year, with 6 phases, thats moving fast.

I see nothing in the post about a timeline of at most 1 year :expressionless:

Have you looked at the timeline Blizzard made? It shows TBC launching at the beginning of Winter end of Autumn in 2025, finding it was a bit of a hassle, I think I went thru the links on wow head, but it was basically showing the timeline for everything they are launching so it wasn’t Classic specific.

it would be unfortunate if it is just 1 year. I thought the lesson of SoM was that 1 year was too short :expressionless: we shall see.

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yay merry christmas to us next yr lmao joke blizz
and watch tbc will be done in 6 months so they super push wrath lol
seriously gonna be pissed if i have to wait 1 yr for tbc to die again
just wait another 4 yrs for it to return. its so stupid dude.

It says it right here.


looks like TBC might happen in the winter OR spring, so 1.5 years could be the duration :expressionless:

1 year for SoM was great

I’m actually shocked they’re giving this server 1 year before TBC. Even that feels too long.

I’d be cool with 6 months of classic + 3 months of TBC.

Both classic & TBC both lose most players once raids are the only way to progress. And that happens long before the 6-month mark (in classic) and 3-month mark (in TBC).

only 6 months of vanilla is absurd :expressionless: