Tazavesh HM Lockout Instancing Issue

Did Hardmode with a group last night, and today I am trying to find people who can group with me to kill the last boss, So’leah. I’m in the instance with all of my bosses killed, and when I invite people to my group they cannot phase into my instance… Something is not right. If I group up as well, and come back to instance the whole thing is reset. It only shows my lockout when I am not in a group! Please help!


Same here. Not Hardmode, but regular. I tried with 5+ different groups in different ways. Making party, reset instance, etc. no change.

Blizz - this needs to be top priority. We can’t progress in Tazavesh unless everyone stays for the entire run (not likely).

Also P.O.S.T boss is still bugged with the packages not being able to be picked up.


Yeah, it’s on this character and it sucks. It was a 3 hour dungeon and can’t phase anyone into my locked out instance…

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Having this issue too, we paused to go raid, came back and wouldn’t join in the same instance group. Right on the last boss… sigh…

Same here lockout broke on last boss cant do anything with any other group.

Yep, having same issue. Although I joined a group 5/8 and was able to go from there. So I suggest going back few bosses if you’re trying to get to last boss.

Can confirm that my group had the same problem. Really frustrating since we were at the last boss?

I can confirm as well. We did a group last night and are having the same issue. We were on the last boss too really frustrating. Hope they fix it soon.

Great. 7/8 in and come back this evening to finish… Same group and the lockout is broke. Go in individually and the way is clear. Group up and the entire run reset. Please fix this

Non-hard mode, but this seems to work in normal mode. While not in a group, enter the instance. Then form the group (while everyone is in the instance). You should be able to see your group members soon as you enter the instance, even though you haven’t formed the group yet.

same issue here. we came back to try and get last boss tonight and can’t get the group into the same instance for the boss. this is silly for a weekly lockout to not actually allow for weekly progression. we tried Clue’s trick and could get 2 of us into the same instance, but that’s it.

We did what others recommended. We all entered the instance individually without being in group. Once everyone was in (some were getting the warning they were going to be kicked), leader invited everyone and we were good to go. Downed last boss and done!

Can confirm, what Abbyviv said is correct but you can’t invite someone else with a different lockout. This is completely broken and needs to be fixed asap. Stuck with 4 people unable to get a fifth for the last boss.

@Laterminus Just want to confirm. This was for hardmode?

Same problem here and definitely on hard mode 7/8 Bosses dead and can’t reform to complete

to add to this. our group’s problem also applies to normal, not hard mode. we did not activate hard mode and still encountered this issue.

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Same but you’ll get that with these small Indie Companies like Blizz