Taverns: Your Personal Place To Be Around

Taverns are a place where a lot of people RP and a lot of social interactions happen in these places. The question to you guys is which tavern is your favorite and why is that?

Alliance side: The Recluse, its nice size and even during peak hours I didn’t seem to have trouble finding a spot to sit down and hang out with people.

Horde Side: The Filthy Animal, though its not really used for RP as a hub spot, its my favorite because like the Recluse its got a lot of room and it feels more filled out and finished. it actually feels like a place the Horde goes to drink and chill and relax, vs the taverns in Orgrimmar that are barely big enough to fit everyone.

Slaughtered Lamb, I always see very interesting characters there. Lately I’ve seen people over at the Pig & Whistle, which brings me delight to no end! That’s my favourite tavern in Stormwind.

I’ll be honest, I really don’t think about the taverns all that much which is a fault on my part. Though now I’m rather interested to go around Azeroth and look for an unused tavern to try and use for some roleplay.

I always did like some of the pubs around Pandaria.

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Oh man, I remember pre-Cataclysm there was an unnamed tavern in the Dwarven District that my old pirate guild used as our base of operations. Called it the Smokesky Tavern. Had tons of meetings there. Super fun.

After that, I’ve had a LOT of RP in Cataclysm down at the Salty Sailor in Booty Bay, and at… whatever the tavern is in Bogpaddle.

During my most recent stint on WoW? The Recluse and The Slaughtered Lamb, with a little bit of RP in the Pig & Whistle. Dloin would just get drunk and wander from one to the next until he found someone to hang out with.

Both are pretty interesting places and are generally larger than some of the other taverns in the major cities. The Golden Keg and Pig are very much like the Recluse, though the Recluse has the larder you can go down.

I won’t deny that the Lamb is definitely my favorite bar in Stormwind just because of this. I see a lot of things go down in that area. The Pig & Whistle is also neat, though I only go there if someone else I know is there as well.

I know there are some underwater taverns in BFA areas. Those might be a cool option to explore as well. I’ll send you a link from WoWhead describing them.

Ironforge I feel is honestly underused and I wish there was more rp going on down there. So many open spots that are freely available to rp with. Also the Goblin bars are really neat ones as well. I used to go to Bogpaddle with friends and have a blast there.

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Oh yeah the old PoKM would RP in Ironforge a lot, mainly the bar in the Military War, Barruk’s Corner. Also When I ran the very short-lived Stonehammer Brewing guild in Mists/WoD, we operated out of the empty building directly across from the gryphon master in Ironforge. Lots of great spots in that city.

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That’s one thing that I admit SW lack is empty buildings for rp purposes. You’ll definitely find some but Ironforge I feel has a lot more. Obviously each building in SW was meant to have a use of sorts, which makes sense, though it would of been cool to have more hubs to use your imagination for. Maybe someone’s house or a business front. The imagination can create many wonderful things in WoW rp as long as the tools are there to do so. You can also use filled places as proxies too, though just having that empty building at least for me makes it more immersive.


Way back before Cata and even Wrath the guild I was in on Silver Hand ran a weekly tavern in one of the empty buildings in the Park district. We called it the Full Circle. It was interesting running something like that.

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Goldshire solely for the parade of insanity that comes through the town. It’s gross and hedonistic to the point that Amanthul should drown that town with a mighty flood, but it’s still funny to see a Gnome running about with his Currently set to “Oiled” and see a bunch of Nelves chase him around while he screams “YOU CAN’T CATCH MEEEEE!”


That actually is amazing and maybe an idea that could be applied to Moon Guard. idk who’d do it, but the possibility is always there.

That moment when you begin to question whether or not you’re drunk or the patrons are mad.

Lol I still miss the empty tavern that used to exist near the moonwell in Stormwind’s Park District, pre Cata. A lot of awesome events would be held there on the regular with various guilds actually running a small diner and the like.

Nowadays though, I rather like the unmanned tavern out on Tol Barad in Rustberg Village. It’s neutral and easily accessed by both factions, making it ideal for events. The seediness of the lil town there only further adds to the rp opportunities as well. I will say though, I absolutely adore the Boralus locations sheerly for the attention to detail Blizz put into them. The wandering NPCs, the random placeables, each locale there has a personality all its own and makes for amazing RP spots!

Rustberg Village is an amazing area tbh. I’ve rped there before and it’s pretty decent if you’re above the level of the mobs outside. It can really be utilized as a hub of sorts. Boralus definitely is also another great area for just the sheer detail it has. A lot of amazing places that just be utilized to the imagination. I really like the maze area, though even the tavern inn is exquisite. Also in regards to the empty tavern near the moonwell before Cata, I sadly wasn’t there to see it though probably I could utilize Classic as a museum piece for that.

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