Based on their racials who makes better Shamans between the Tauren and their Highmountain Cousins?
hmt charge good for enhacement, warstomp good for the other 2 specs.
Who cares about racials. Go HM for the cooler totems!
According to the forums, racials are the only thing that matters.
If you want cool totems, then none of the horde races will work for ya.
HMT have tank favored traits.
Regular tauren have that and also some crit damage and healing ones.
Wrong. Vulpera exist.
i was about to come in and comment this, good job D:
I dig the highmountain on paper, but their antlers kill most transmog options. The totems are sweet though.
Never before have I seen such fighting words.
vulpera is horde, as such, not cool.
Alliance is the unpopular faction, nothing cool about being a SJW faction. Its why Horde will have more players and more attention from the devs <3
Fixed it for you.
Tauren, Tauren, Tauren.
No HM allowed to Tauren shaman parties.
No question. Crit bonus (you’ll be an Elemental ofc). Incredible burst.
Tauren do not engage in such petty ideas as one tribe being better than another…
Go with the Highmountain. We’re better.
true fix /10 char
HM Tauren adds mobility, which is good. Tauren adds an ability which DRs all other stuns, which is bad.
weird for a place that is so obsessed with whining about min/maxing
The player behind the keyboard?
Tauren is the best for ele at least and likely enhance too because of their 2% crit damage racial. If you are looking for utility then still Tauren because the stun can interrupt a lot of things in PvP and PvE and shaman stuns suck unless you are ele(PvP).