I am making a druid and trying to decide here in 2022 which one is better suited for that class? I found some topics similar, but they are more about size or strength. I’m looking more at their specific race traits and how they match up with their playable classes.
Thank you!
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Are we getting Gnome druids in DF?
One thing I would consider is, racial stun vs. racial charge.
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true the charge is some times a double edge sword while its good you can launch yourself of a cliff
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I agree with Sendalor.
Most of their racials are very similar.
Brawn: Critical strike bonus damage and healing increased by 2%.
Cultivation: Herbalism skill increased by 15 and you gather herbs faster than normal herbalists.
Endurance: Increases your Stamina by 197 (scales with level).
Nature Resistance: Reduces Nature damage taken by 1%.
War Stomp: Stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yds for 2 sec.
HM Tauren
Mountaineer: Increases Versatility by 1%.
Pride of Ironhorn: Mining skill increased by 15 and allows you to mine faster.
Rugged Tenacity: Reduces damage taken by (character level) * 3.
Waste Not, Want Not: You have a chance to loot additional meat and fish.
Bull Rush: Charges forward for 1 sec, knocking enemies down for 1.5 sec. 2 min CD.
Judging by the racial, Highmountain may have a very slight edge as a tank, the increased versatility and reduced damage taken, however, standard Tauren have the increased Crit heal and damage thing so might be better as a DPS or healer.
Are you saying that the regular tauren make better ferals and healers then?
The bonus crit and healing also plays into tank as the foundation of tank druid is self healing and crits.
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I find war stomp very useful when an entirepack is casting on me.
Not going say 100% for sure, but judging by the racials, I would probably make a standard Tauren for heals or DPS due to the Crit damage thing.
Haven’t played a druid tank since Cataclysm so didn’t realize that.
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I dk,both seem good to me.though i like high mountain Tauren I guess it’s because of the mountains .
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Now if herbalism is your thing, it’s standard tauren. While highmountain tauren have a mining racial, it isn’t always faster than a standard tauren.
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Think Highmountain have the better advantage racial wise. The extra mobility is always nice.
Plus, I’ve no idea what it is about them, but they look so much more adorable for some reason. I think it’s the antlers framing the face or something…
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Go Highmountain Tauren we have the best Heritage Armour set around for horde…
Highmountain cause yuge antlers
I switched from Tauren to Highmountain Tauren for the antlers. Best decision I ever made! Well, in Wow, anyway.
As far racials goes regular Tauren have better ones than high mountain.
Herb picking is instant with regular Tauren and warstomp is a life saver.
Panda druids first.

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I agree with the Panda’s getting Druid class first. I don’t know how they aren’t in the first place. I think Blizzard messed that one up.
I’m thinking about going regular tauren. The practical side of me wants too. But the desire side of me likes the travel form of HM Tauren and also Heritage Armor I heard was really awesome for HM Tauren too.
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