Tauren Posture

I’m not sure if anyone else is interested or thinks this way, but would others be interested in having a posture option for tauren (like orcs) so that Tauren heads are a little less hung over the body, more upright like some of the Baine art?

I know I would… :slight_smile:


That would be nice. It would match MoP’s 5.3: Escalation key art adaptation of Baine.


(I can’t post images, so if someone could show the image it would be greatly appreciated)

Thanks the exact picture I had in mind! Freaking wish we could look that cool too

Trolls Orcs Tauren Forsaken, all would benifit from not having a hunched over look. And the Forsaken would look much better if there was some freshly dead instead of several months dead look.


I agree 100% I love my Tauren Warrior, and if he could be upright, I’d love him even more (I might even main him if he was upright).

Unfortunately, a while back Blizzard said they wouldn’t do this because it’s more of a skeletal thing and not bad posture.


I was gonna say I was happy with their default posture, and even more with their run cycle (and their /walk is epic)

But the Baine artwork is uhhh quite epic. Please give it to us Blizz.

Also, it would mean they’d be taller even than Zandalari? Who are already huge as it is.

I also love those ideas too! Trolls definitely, they’re honestly the worst of the lot I’d think, though I’d also say that the hunched over look looks best on them. Nonetheless it would be nice for the option

The artwork is very nice, but that isnt at all the same skeletal structure we see in game.
I think our Tauren are the way they are, is because they are supposed to have a more bovine structure in the neck area. Cows got big, strong necks that hang forward.

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Ewww. Don’t humanize them please.

WTF, he’s actually really hot here… Am I a furry? D:

Totally get that too, Ushi, it’s more aesthetic than anything; I’d prefer the straighter posture than what we have, mostly seeing what other opinions are out there :slight_smile:

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I think your idea would fit better when we see more Tauren subspecies come to be playable. Taunka anyone? ;D
That would be very neat :3

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Ewww Taunka face look…bad…
Otherwise would be down.

Oh I’m sure they’ll update those models here soon enough. Gotta remember those are Wrath Models.


They changed the Tauren to this more hunched model a couple years ago. My Tauren used that model til they finally got rid of it entirely. Stood a little straighter, face looked less cartoonish than now.

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For simplicity sake of the post.


Thanks, Rhuor!

If they keep correcting posture you won’t need Blood Elves.


New in 9.0, hunched option for Blood Elves.

Ever wanted to look like the wretched in the starting zone that you never ever saw again after the first 10 minutes of game time? Of course you did! and now you can!

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