Tauren Paladins

Shaman is only available to Draenei.

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I can live with dwarf mages since they were up until release. But then I want us Taurens to have Plainsrunning as originally tended and basically given to the Worgen’s Running Wild.

I’m suggesting both sides get race/class expansion like in Cata. It makes perfect sense for Tauren to have paladins, just like it makes sense for dwarves to be shaman. The only work Blizz has to do is put NPC class trainers in the race starting areas. Ezpz. If they can make changes like level boosting, then race/class expansion should be on the table for changes as well.

Stuff like this is why the “No Changes” crowd is so adamant. If you allow 1 small change then you have to allow another small change and then another- before long its not even Classic/TBC anymore. Its just retail on a different continent.

No, Tauren are meant to be grilled and placed on a bun for consumption, not to have holy light

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They’d have to tweak the lore around a bit, but they could make Orc Paladins if the Orcs were Mag’har. Mag’har are not corrupted by demon blood, so shouldn’t they be qualified for Paladins?

But the lore behind draenei shamans and the broken is that the light didn’t answer the pleas of corrupted draenei, the elements did, and with no Draenor native being able to call upon the light, I doubt the Maghar would have the innate ability to either.

This is an awful idea.

This is why I say to people that if a change occurs in TBC, it must exist in some form for TBC. So that leaves out stuff like Duel Spec, different class/race mixes, and god forbid Death Knights in TBC. The literal line is drawn just before Wrath pre-patch.

Two xpacs too early for them to make that mistake.

Could always be some outliers. Lore can always be tweaked a bit.

Illidan was the good guy something something Garrosh escaped to an alternate dimension

Is this the thread where I ask for Death Knights in TBC?

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I was thinking some orcs in Outland go their own way, never did the whole Shaman thing and some become Paladins after they discover the N’aaru. Something along those lines.

Students at Karabor before it became the Black Temple, took refuge in Shattrath, A’dal yeeted them into light beams and now they have access to Seal of Vengeance.

Do tell Mr Cow

That would be madness, whereas holy cows make such perfect sense! :roll_eyes:

What a stupid thread.

The actually do. Tauren worship nature. The light is seen as a powersource in the natural world. Similar to how druids get power from the moon, Tauren paladins get power from The Light…which they interpret as the Sun(hence Sunwalkers). DKs would be a class addition, makes little sense to the lore of TBC. Tauren paladins are just a race expansion on a class that’s suited for TBC lore.

Blizzard won’t be creating new character models for TBC.