im having the hardest time deciding on my new main.
i plan to pvp eventually and get more into M+. I will main boomkin but also try resto and probably feral. not my first time playing druid just haven’t played it in a long time.
biggest issue seems to be that tauren is better PvP wise where as troll better PvE. PvE im pretty sure i can deal with as a tauren not planning to be world first or anything biggest issue with that though is M+ i haven’t really ran M+ since legion highest i got to was +15 but of course i want to try higher keys at least to a +20. with troll i mean it can work i guess for PvP but mostly Tauren is the better option especially for it’s stamina racial and aoe stun. vodoo shuffle is pretty meh and zerk can get removed/stunned making it pretty much useless in general but super good in pve.
looks wise i mean idc either way won’t be really looking at my toon outside of forms often anyways unless i go resto but fantasy wise i prefer tauren for OG feel