Tauren or Troll?

im having the hardest time deciding on my new main.

i plan to pvp eventually and get more into M+. I will main boomkin but also try resto and probably feral. not my first time playing druid just haven’t played it in a long time.

biggest issue seems to be that tauren is better PvP wise where as troll better PvE. PvE im pretty sure i can deal with as a tauren not planning to be world first or anything biggest issue with that though is M+ i haven’t really ran M+ since legion highest i got to was +15 but of course i want to try higher keys at least to a +20. with troll i mean it can work i guess for PvP but mostly Tauren is the better option especially for it’s stamina racial and aoe stun. vodoo shuffle is pretty meh and zerk can get removed/stunned making it pretty much useless in general but super good in pve.

looks wise i mean idc either way won’t be really looking at my toon outside of forms often anyways unless i go resto but fantasy wise i prefer tauren for OG feel

I prefer tauren for stomp clones

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Night elf.


Tauren is better for pvp and the crit bonus, stomp, and Stam are great for m+ as well.

Voodoo shuffle is worthless for Druids.

Go Tauren

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do you plan on going feral/guardian or resto/balance cause troll is good for caster as tauren and highmountain tauren are good for bear and feral.

Those differences are minor…roll troll for style mon!

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/dance and follow your heart…

yea voodoo shuffle kinda worthless for PvP and in pve too but zerk is good in pve and meh in pvp.

might just go tauren for fantasy plus never really played tauren for a very long time

I like tauren and Highmountain tauren druids more than trolls. Trolls seem more of a shaman/hunter race to me.

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yea me too i like trolls mostly cause they are smaller and xmog depending what you got looks nicer but tauren has nice mog too both got same issues otherwise lacking nice feet mogs cause not closed toed for like 99%; very few are close toed at least for trolls

