Tauren or blood elf for paladin based on looks

Based on looks what race would you select. I don’t have allied raced on the horde unlocked so I can’t do ztroll or else I would.


you will regret tauren paladin. their run animation is crap like half the other races. blood elves are your only option

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Personally I prefer Tauren for prot/ret, because I think the big beefy wall of plate works well for them. Tho i prefer belf for Holy because they are dainty Little men who seem to frail to wear plate.

Tho Iv heard people like the poster above don’t like the Tauren run animation, it hasn’t bothered me.

If you have another plate wearer create one of each and go into wardrobe and see how the plate armor appearances you have collected look on both. You can also check out the run at the same time.

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I could never get into Tauren as a paladin. I tried in Cata. Blood Elf just resonates better with me even over Zandalari.

Blood elves in plate don’t do it for me.

Tauren look good in plate but their customization is so limiting and shadowlands needs to come soon and remedy that.

why are we pretending Blood elves have it better when it comes to running animations.


just my opinion, blood elf run animation is one of the few that retains its old style which i prefer. trolls and night elves really got it bad with the WoD updates.

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Tauren are the only choice.

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Personally, I’d say to go with BE but Tauren aren’t bad if you’re more into the “literal wall of meat” aesthetic.

I rolled BE in BC, then race changed to Tauren the second it became available, and had to change back less than three months later cause I just wanted to dump the class. They look cool, but man their animations are horrible. I mean, they’re well done, they just look so rigid and crude.

I have a female BE paladin and I think they look better/cleaner than Tauren but I don’t have anything against Tauren as my shaman is one. The only thing I don’t like about BE is the male version, I think they stand… funny.

neither, i’d go zandalari. but, if i had to pick between those 2? tauren for male, blood-elf for female. tauren men are just… they’re strong-looking in their heritage armor, and blood-elf gals get pigtails… i like pigtails.

If you’re cool with being a cow (or if one insists a bull) then go tauren. Otherwise go BE, female if you can take it I find the males to look like poo.

Tauren for sure, they look amazing in plate armour and have fantastic animations. Plus their lore about being Sunwalkers is very interesting and original.



Tauren are a beast race making them be paladins is heresy

agreed. 10char

Depends on preference, if you don’t mind beast races then Tauren is fine. I know I often have phases where I really only like human races and during those times I regret my main Pally not being belf. (Well human really but all my friends play Horde)

As long as you don’t have those tendencies it’s up to you. Both are cool in their own way. I will say that out of personal experience it’s easy to forget that you have warstomp as a Tauren when you have access to HoJ.

Tauren paladins are beefy ,stern and have a extra stun ability, good pick for a tank. Bloodelf paladin just look good (uhm) good as healers because of racial for holies. Both are good it depends of which you want to play as for looks Bloodelf.

I do think taurens look hella good in plate. But I do think they animations are clunky and they run “slow”. Or at least the animation of them running is slow.

Belfs still look good in plate both male and female in my opinion but I agree the males kinda looks. Well like very thin humans and that is just meh.

I’ll be rolling as all three specs in shadowlands but mostly tank and ret.