Tauren & Draenei Interaction

Do we have much of any interactions between these 2 groups? They definitely have their cultural differences, but I see them as both on the more friendly-understanding side when it comes to the faction war.
Would a Tauren use a tool made by the Draenei to sharpen their hooves?


I can’t recall any.

the earthen ring and any number of neutral factions are almost certainly your best bet. the faction war has only simmered in recent years. alternatively, it’s possible a night elf introduced their tauren friend to their draenei friend in, say, ratchet or somewhere like that, but most of the interactions between the hooves races so far have* been aggressively confrontational

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They’re both in the Earthen Ring, so we do see individuals interacting at some points, but it’s never as like a cultural exchange or official diplomacy or anything like that. It’s always just shaman business in those interactions.

The only Horde race the draenei really ever interact with is blood elves.

Draenei are largely ignored outside of draenei specific storylines.


Draenei are hyper advanced aliens in magic and technology who were so good in everything they do Sargeras made them the leaders of their demon army. Tauren ae the most cortesque form of native american caricatures whose only purpose is to be a peace knick pushover that offers the other faction a peace deal when the rest Horde is in need of folks that function as ambassadors who don’t get insta killed on their way to talk with the blue leaders in Stormwind. That is Baine. But considering Magatha aided us in Legion this subplot has potential to send Tauren culture in a loboo.

To answer OP here. these two races have no meeting points I am afraid and live too far away from each other. The plot didn’t make fora fitting explaination why Velen and any Tauren NPC would get screentime together.

Mostly, the talk go that way :

Draenei : Baaaa!
Tauren : Moo!

Here for you!

But joke aside, i dont recall interactions, i suppose the closest you could get is in the paladin order hall in legion between Boros and Apony, but thats pretty much it.


They don’t have a common border.

And the Draenei were not present for the Wall of Thorns, so nothing AFAIK.


Do you mean the War of Thorns? Because draenei were a part of it.

DnD brain.



Druid spell. 6th lvl conjuration. From 5e.

Sigh Nerd moment strikes again :dracthyr_uwu:


In that case, the only interaction they had was their efforts to kill each other.

This is still wrong considering Muln talked to a draenei shaman in the Earthen Ring and depending on how you consider Nobundo he is/was a draenei and they do interact regularly as heads of said organization.

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Did Malfurion stutter? cue a wall of deadly thorns


Case in point when Nobundo got Muln, and me, to accept working with Magatha Grimtotem for the fight against the Legion, instead of just thunder shocking her off of the maelstrom.

I see why I spaced it


Sir, on behalf of the Quillboar I am giving a “cease and desist” order. You will hear from our Steamweedle lawyers in the coming days if you do not.

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