Tauren back

It kinda looks like Beast from Beauty and the Beast.


I actually find my Taurens hump charming and majestic. I like the picture of the Disney-esque Tauren, however I like the ones we have because they look
 grittier? Scarier? More barbaric looking? Savage?

Also their facial expressions can be hilarious.

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Amen. People that complain about this kind of stuff just want to play a human or elf. I wish they would just go do it instead of trying to change my monster race.


old wc3


old wow

retail reworked

now, i don’t know why, but wc3 reforged looks a little better

I do sometimes wonder what the anatomical purpose of the hump is. Does it contain muscle? Is it solid bone? Does it store nutrients like a camel? The answer eludes me.


My theory is its like a kangaroos pouch. The male Tauren use the hump to incubate baby Tauren until they can live outside the pouch.

Says the dude that has a visage form and can literally hide all of the baked in flaws of the Dracthyr.

Tauren look terrible, their hooves are too big and they can’t wear boots. Their “hump” ruins helm transmogs. Their tail ruins cape transmogs
 to a lesser extent.

Most Horde races look terrible, that doesn’t mean we have to like it.

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I wouldn’t mind if they just lifted the head a little more so the top of the head was more even with the top of the hump. Just so they don’t look like their head is growing out of their chests. Something sorta half way between what they are now and how the female Tauren are, or how the new Gnoll models look

Imagine a Tauren like that, where instead of the top of his head being even with his shoulder line, it’s the top of his snout.

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 Politely I say this

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That bull on the right is what we call in the Spanish community a Sancho. It’s your girls Sancho when you’re at work and he is coming over giving her that look when she opens the door. :crazy_face:

Also known as the Milk Man and Jody


No they don’t :slightly_frowning_face:


I feel like he’s hitting on me with that look

Which is funny cause the undead are supposed to be the ugly ones.


or their tails.

tip- toes out


Humps like that in bovines (like in north american bison, cape Buffalo and indian Gaur) are enormous masses of muscle used to control the head and horns when fighting.


starts sweating profusely

Uh, male Tauren look terrible. Female Tauren look great.


counter point:


It’s VERY Disney.

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Alright well that sold me, personally.

I still want prio on a hump hair texture update though!

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Your hump is lovely.
wiggles toes

Blizz won’t do it because then they’d be responsible for turning the entire player base into furries :slight_smile:

Tauren males would be too sexy to handle.