Task bar popping up

Reporting this as a bug report. While playing ww ever since the newest exp and about 8 updates in less than a month of sept 2024, the task bar now acts like a desktop hiding feature. Meaning when you go near the bottom to check your bags you invoke the windows desktop taskbar as if you tabbed out.
I never had this problem before blizz took away our true full window display. Now we have two ‘windowed’ displays. I’m pretty sure this change was to cowtow to the crowd that has 23 different programs running in the background. The twit and twitch crowds, maybe to make it easier for them to jump in and out of the game.

Any how, the solution is not shutting down explorer.exe, that’s a cheap and ridiculous route. Changing the taskbar in 5 different ways did nothing, using both ‘windowed’ modes fixes nothing. Nothing in game settings addresses this. I’ve made no changes nor windows updates for the last two months, but blizz has made an ungodly amount of maintenance shutting us offline for hours or more. This bug is not players or their systems.

Please don’t respond with the stock answer about explorer.exe as that is useless. As a paying member there’s no reason I should turn off any desktop service to play this game.
Please fix this.

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