Targeting Macro Help

Yeah, I agree, mouseover makes most sense. I was trying to see what he was going for with a macro for an ability that heals upon dmg, though. I think that was the goal. Basically hit anything it can with little care for what it is while maintaining his target. Mouseover or no, which sounds like an okay idea in some context. The /targetenemy attempts to achieve this.


I suppose this deserves some context, I enjoy doing epic pvp with a skosh of world pvp where I’m wading through throngs of people trying to focus one person who will likely try to run away into the crowd.

During that time I need to survive on my way over to them. A better example of
where the concept might be applicable is with a pally vs a hunter where said hunter can leap back and hurt you from afar, ret pally’s can’t generate holy power from a distance well but you need it to heal with word of glory so you are left to attack whatever is in front of you which is probably the pet but you don’t want to lose the hunter in the crowd. Hitting a modifier key to just hit anything is a lot easier than try to click on something.

I’m a casual so this probably isn’t a meta approach but I would consider epic/world pvp pretty casual itself. I’m only hardcore into making my experience even more casual. I try to reduce the number of times I need to click on my screen to as little as possible and I don’t really use my focus anyway so I’m going to use that idea.

Thank you everyone for all the support!

In that case your best option would be to set your primary target as your focus and then setup your spells so you can cast @focus vs target with a modifier.