Target Marker Icon

Each time I mount and fly away and then dismount, the target marker icon on my pet resets forcing me to click and place it on him again. This becomes very obnoxious in PvP.

Is there a script or something that keeps these target markers on the pet when I dismount from flying? I’m using the MOON icon.


This is the macro for anyone who wants to use it. You can change the number at the end for whatever marker you want. I think there are like 5 or 6 markers so choose the one you want.

/target [@pet]
/script if GetRaidTargetIndex(“target”) ~= 3 then SetRaidTarget(“target”, 3) end

Update 2:

Works fine in PvE but not PvP… lol wtf? You can’t put an icon over your own pet’s head in pvp? Is there any way to change the nameplate color of your pet with CVar scripts or anything other than downloading an entire addon for that?

/tm [@pet] 3