Target frame not visable

when i target someone in bgs their frame doesnt show up. anyone know a fix?

  1. Are you using a unitframe addon? If so, which one.
  2. Have you verified the position of your target frame in edit mode?
  3. Does it not show target for both enemies and allies, or just one of the two?
  4. Do they show outside of BGs? If so, do they show in arenas/skirmishes?

hi sorry for the late reply using threat plates
2. yes i have
3. i have friendly plates off and enemy plates on
4. they dont show up regardless

i use bg targets. when i click on them it usually shows me were theyre at. ever since plunderstorm came out it started happening.
maybe its a distance thing? i can see them fine when theyre close.

so you use any addon that might make your target frame disappear?

also a screen shot could be helpful

UnitFrames (including the Target Frame) and Nameplates (one of which might be your target) are entirely different things, which one are you having an issue with?