Target enemy macro:)

what id like to know is if theres a command line for a macro that makes it so that it targets the nearest enemy in front of you and doesn’t shuffle targets when u spam it and when u press tab again it switches enemies if their closer to you.


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startattack doesnt do anything but put me in combat

It targets the nearest enemy and doesn’t change your target when spammed.

  1. i get near enemy units
  2. target myself
  3. mash button waiting for results
    no results??

working as intended.

ahhhhh! start with no target?


That said, sounds like you want /targetenemy but that command functions the same as tab targeting if you don’t include any options.

/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]

thanks for the advice, when im tryng to do shadow and for some reason lose my target (yes sticky targeting) i decided to put targetenemy in my regular macros to make sure i reaquire my target
however when im spam hit the button, it rotates through enemies, which would not be an issue if it didnt occasionally target a random enemy we are currently not fighting

thinking about using /targetlastenemy to do this

If you use it with the conditions I added it shouldn’t rotate.

This is old but I just wanted to say thank you, exactly what I needed!