Tarecgosa Legendary Solo?

Trying to get Tarecgosa’s for the new special mount- but I can’t figure out if it’s possible to solo the Shannox step. It seems you need two “people” that both hit him once- so it’s hard to not kill him. I can’t use my “pet”- I tried to dominate mind but everything is immune.

Any tips?

There are trinkets that summon pets, that’s the only way I think you can do it solo as a non-evoker/warlock?

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Yeah I was thinking about this trying to find some easy ones to get

grab a friend and have them taunt. GG.


Thank you! I was trying to figure out how they could get him without killing him and I clearly just don’t play tanks. This should work

I did it on my spriest by spam right clicking the pet icon under my character frame (to dismiss it before it kills the boss) when I pressed void bender keybind. I forget if I had to fade as well, but either way the 2 target register is enough. Can rezone each time for the shards however that works, cannot remember fully

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Im confused about this quest…is it still doable? I ran Firelands the other day and the quest never dropped from the molten lords…so I assumed you cant do the Teracgosas rest quest line anymore?

i got mid way, to the part where you have to go collect things from like 4 bosses by doing certain mechanics on them, first boss i tried it didnt work, tried 3 times, i quit

Evoker’s can solo it in healing spec as long as they talent for the time clone that spawns when at low health.

Kill the 1 dog you don’t need to aggro them, stand in a lava pool till low hp, spawn clone, complete mechanic.

As for priest maybe try in shadow spec with pet

After you have killed a molten lord (at any time in the past) go to the mage tower in SW and get the quest ‘Your Time Has Come’ from Coridomi to get started.

I know I soloed it as a mage, though I can’t remember how. It was a long, long time ago.

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Friend of mine is struggling to get this quest started. He’s done Firelands and the others, it’s just not showing for him. Not sure what else he’s tried, I know he’s thinking of putting in a ticket.

Just completed this on my Priests. Request in local at raid portal or start a group in LFG. Just need one other person to stand around.

When you’re on the last step of siphoning essences use an alt to start an LFG group while inside, log out and log in to your staff toon and request invite, go back to alt and accept invite. Go back to staff toon and enter raid. Repeat this until you have all the essence.

The mount needs separated from the staff in that one should not have to have it equipped to mount. Should just be able to place the staff on an action bar and mount up.

If Coridormi doesn’t have the quest check with the dragons in the Caverns of Time. I was confused at first but found out I somehow completed the initial quest Coridormi provides.

Make sure you have trivial quests active from your mini map, I am not 100% sure this will work but I turned mine on and got it.

I was wondering why people were doing this recently… I have visage on my mage, is it a mount now?

Edit: Woa! Okay, looks like I need to do this. So, on WoWhead it says you just need A character with the staff quest completed to get the mount version. Any confirm?

If a character has the staff after they do the blue dragon story chapter there is a quest for the mount (must be the character with the staff).

After you do that quest youm have the visage form as a mount, BUT you can only use it on a character that has completed that quest. If you don’t play that mage anymore you have to level them to 70 and do the quest then they are the only one that can use the mount…

You need a second entity that WONT kill him.

I think a mechanical greench might work.

And you don’t want to kill him because after you finish charging the crystals you can immediately move onto the next stage of the quest where you DO have to kill all the bosses on the same week.

Aw man that’s a bummer. My mage is chilling at level 40, haven’t touched him since I think WoD or something. He’s the one I have the staff on. Looks like I might have to level him now haha.