Tarecgosa Legendary Questline Delegation Pyreshell Fragment Loot Bugged

I’m doing the quest “Delegation” as part of the Tarecgosa Legendary questline and am currently unable to progress as the Pyreshell Fragments are bugged.

I can loot one fragment, but then any further fragments have an empty and cut off loot window when interacting with them. I’ve tried every possible fix suggested online, made a ticket and a bug report, and no luck. I know it’s not a problem with my local install as it’s happened on multiple different PCs. Tried with addons all disabled, reaccepting the quest, different difficulties, deleting the quest item, reloading the UI, changing loot settings, all with no luck.

This problem is not just happening for me, as it’s been mentioned online by others multiple times. Has anyone run into the problem and found a fix or have any suggestion on why this is happening?

It’s been a while since I’ve done this, so I can’t remember if the fragments despawn from you inventory after a time. On the assumption they don’t, do a search of your bank to see if there are any fragments that ended up in there. (I know, it’s a long shot, but it’s the only thing that comes to mind to try.)