Tarecgosa Legendary on Elemental Shaman

My friend was testing on dummys the proc rate of the lego. But it seems it only procs on Flame Shock, not on the other damaging spells.
IT IS replicating correctly the flame shock damage tho.

I was looking in Logs and for my surprise, lego procs are the same on ele shams by replicating on Flame Shock’s damage, hitting by 5.2k average on 5 minutes long fights. But other casters doubling this damage.

Also, I don’t get why it isn’t replicating any dmg on proc, for example a 60k Lava Burst.

Dot duplications show as wrath of teragosa dmg in logs. Non dots dont show as procs, just additional casts of the same spell.


The staff on Elemental shamans isn’t acting correctly. Our shaman was the first to get one and it’s not even doing 200 dps. While on a mage and lock it’s doing 1k-2k

wrath of teragosa is only the replicated dot ticks. You literally cannot differentiate between duplicated casts and your normal casts. they are the exact same spell ID. They do not show up in yours logs but they are definitely happening.

I don’t know if this works for ele since you have your mastery also creating extra casts, but for mage I can just look at my fireball casts and see that I hit more times than I cast, and those are my staff procs.