Tanks that leave party due to DPS

Boy that’s debatable in some situations; “DPS” is a very misleading thing when Holy Paladin can do some surprisingly high numbers when consecration is down on 20 mobs.

According to your idiotic logic, if a warlock decides to wait 3 seconds, start spamming seeds, and grab aggro, it’s the tanks’ fault. More proof your ideas are dumb? Many classes have threat drops or talents to reduce threat, why do you think that is? MAYBE because dps’ers need to keep watch on their threat, so they have tools to help with that?

Stop saying stupid crap, threat is both the tank and the dps’ responsibility.


But he waited 3 seconds. There’s no way that a dodge, miss, parry, or resist could happen, and 2 gcd’s is an eternity. You can’t expect him to install a threat meter or have any situational awareness.


I know. I shouldn’t expect dps’ers to have any form of responsibility or accountability whatsoever.


I will leave if the dps doesnt CC. this let the healer spam max rank as the dps spam aoe meta doesnt do it for me,
If I invite you as CCdps you might be ccing

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Finally, a thread worth reading.

Carry on.

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feral druid pulls with faerie fire.
feral druid uses mangle, it misses
feral druid use maul, parried
feral druid now has 0 rage

good luck everyone!


Heaven forbid that tanks should actually do their job and hold threat.

Rngesus decided my first 4 attacks were miss, parry, dodge, block

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Yeap def not your fault you skipped equipping any hit and expertise gear when you don’t need full mitigation for a dungeon.

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Fixed it for you.

That happened to me on Mag… Was tanking the first channeler.

Mangle → Parry
Maul → Dodge
Lacerate → Dodge

Yeah… Sometimes it still happens even when you have hit and expertise. And some of those dungeon mobs do actually hit hard enough to warrant some more mitigation gear.

Edit: Also… are we just supposed to… not tank until we’re fully geared? Is that really what you want? Cause I’m fairly certain most players don’t want the tank shortage to be even worse than it is.


This tank knows how to tank, instead of mutely standing there expecting people to know whats going on they’re proactively making sure people don’t do anything stupid.

They’re few and far between in my experience but your point stands.

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DPS should run threat meters not damage meters. Tanks should let bad DPS just die. In the case of hunters that pull then feign, a simple kick/ignore works well too.


I run both Recount and threat meters. :wink:

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Yolo DPS makes for a crappy Tanking experience and makes for a really stressful and bad Healer experience. Back during the first TBC and early on in heroic 5 men, targets were used for CC and kill order until the Tank didn’t need to be babysat by the healer and out geared the content.

All it takes is one bad DPS and even a bad Tank or Healer to ruin 4 others’ experiences. My advice is to educate the player with a few private messages, and I find that works more times than not. When it doesn’t work, as a Tank or Healer, I explain to the group I leave or the idiot leaves. Unless they’re running with 2-3 other guildies, they leave; if not, no one usually finishes the instance.

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I would literally have to open my spell book to cast hellfire, aint nobody got time for that.

Except it’s an extra threat if it works which it will 84% of the time.

I don’t “bust a nut” for anything except paladin tanks, I’m fully aware of what a feral or prot warrior is capable of and 99% of players can’t/won’t get to that level of play. Even for pally tanks I ST the prio kill target before seeding my happy lil butt off, unless it’s a large non-elite pull then I throw on eye of the tiger, pop my trinket and a destro pot and go to town.

See I’m the opposite I don’t mind if there dps is a bit low as long as we don’t keep wiping due to dps face pulling another pack or refuse to cc adds

Sometimes pulling then feigning can help.

Example, I pull after tank has a decent lead in threat over the healer. Concussion shot it as it runs toward me. Fd as Concussion shot wears off to send it back to the tank. This give about 6 seconds of CC on the target to where the mob is dealing 0 damage. Which can help the healer. I usually only do this with tanks that I regularly play with tho and it’s communicated before hand.

It’s also useful for warriors and druids for me to pull one mob away that isn’t being hard CCed for the tank to charge it and temporarily stop taking hits from the other mobs he is tanking. If the tank is charging it, I will only Fd if the taunt misses as I want to remain high threat on the target.

There is reasons to do it,

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Bad players exist within Dps and Tanks. If you are consistently pulling aggro as a dps and die you might be the issue. If you are consistently losing aggro as a tank you might be the issue.

But as a mage I pull aggro kite around and kill them anyway. So im never the issue.