Tanks Shouldn't need healers, there are DPS for that

Ok but that’s just bad tanks. Sometimes it’s fine to test the group’s limits. If it doesn’t work you scale back. You get troll tanks/dps/healers all the time in low keys, but I’m not talking about low keys. I’m talking when you reach a level where you should know better, whatever that is.

I’m not saying they aren’t working “hard”, I’m saying most healers are bad and shouldn’t be given more responsability.

That fight is nothing but a juicy heal-fest in my opinion. One of the most fun fights in DF as disc.


When I play a healer I want to be focused on the tank most of the time. When AOE damage or unavoidable damage happens then I heal the group before returning to the tank. I want DPS to do their best to avoid damage and self-heal if they make mistakes–though of course I will heal them if needed. It feels strange to me when I’m healing to not have to heal the tank.

And when I play as a DPS character, I try my best to not need healing by avoiding the damage that I can and using my defense abilities and self-heals to counter AOE damage or my own mistakes. Sometimes extra DPS is worth taking some damage as DPS, but I always try to reduce how much damage I’m taking as DPS.

I can’t judge if these tank changes are balanced but the idea of tanks relying on healers makes a lot of sense to me.


Yeah I agree. There is no dungeon boss in the history of WoW that compares to this one fun-wise, playing as healer.


cries in Holy Paladin

It’s a zero mana fight for Pally, and a “one of you will die from a mechanic” fight for the DPS.

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So you want tanks to be god and do whatever they want, completely ignoring the healer, unless things go horribly wrong?

Pug tanks already play like the other 4 people in their group are some random AIs following them around.

Hopefully when there are more consequences, tanks will be more willing to take a glance at the healers mana bar and start acting like they are in a group and not playing a 1 player game.

I usually go FOR KSH and tha’ts it. Honestly I still take avoidable dmage (coz I am a noob) with these changes you bet I am not tanking at all. I would rather play a warlock or mage. Let the pugs complain about there aren’t enough tanks and healers and blizzard wonder why. Well you bascially force people who wants to play tanks and healers back away with these nerfs. Why stress when I can have fun being a DPS. With the changes to afflix m+ seems a lot of fun for dps.

Keep making these changes blizzard if you want to kill new players trying tank and healers and pushing people who currently play tank and healers into dps role.

You sure must be doing only normal dungeons as of the changes in S4 even M0 isn’t a cake walk and tanks do take damage if you aren’t gear. So nerfing the defense and self heal for tanks will only make healing more stressful.

Now if m+ is like FFXIV dungeoons then sure nerf tanks but m+ in WoW there are so many things going to on, so many things to avoid, CC, interuipt, hard CC, put mobs out of puddles, do % count, do the routes, if dps pull extra mobs now tanks have to recalcualte the % count while the timer is ticking.

Good luck when there are even less tanks and healer doing m+ in pugs since is going to be more stressful and dps have to wait longer to form a group.

Well, if those tanks would remember there are 4 others struggling to keep up, we wouldn’t be here. In a group of friends this is fine. In LFR, it shouldn’t happen.

Y’all had your OP moment, and others had to tolerate it. You did this to yourself.

This is more a function of the protracted vertical hierarchy with gearing in the game and the equal verticality in content. Are we taking about a normal dungeon, a mythic 0 or a mythic +6?The ilevel disparity from a level 1 toon to brand new level 70, is about the same from new level 70 to max gear (ilevel ~528) level 70.

With this kind of disparity in content, mixing of players accustomed to those play styles and difficulties will yield this misalignment in expectations.