Tanks Shouldn't need healers, there are DPS for that

this is the opposite of where the game should go, in my opinion.

I primarily tank in the 2-2.5k rating range. sure it is fun to feel indesctrutible.

however, I think it is better game design to have defensives for tank busters and a flexible kit for mob control, but not to be self-healing gods.

the game used to be a race between bosses/content and a combination of the tank’s health bar and the healer’s mana bar.

there were real limitations to fights and enrage timers.

i’d like to see the game move back into that direction.

but i doubt that we will ever reverse the diablofication of the game.


then the dps speed demons will complain which would be funny

Tanks are already overtuned to the point they can pull every mob from the start up to the first boss. Now you want to make it even more annoying and difficult for other players to keep up. Every additional pack that is pulled will add to this unavoidable damage and dps will drop like flies, while the tank is in god mode. This might just be the worst idea I have ever seen on the forums.

May the Arbiter have mercy on your soul.


Mitigation is pre-healing.

If you are about to take 1,000,000 damage and use a -50% damage ability, that hit is now 500,000.

If you are about to take a 1,000,000 damage hit, take it, then use a heal that heals you for 500,000 health, you have effectively healed the same amount you mitigated.


If it is less fun for tanks, why would it be more fun for DPS?

Tanks already have too much self sustain. Frankly I think they never should have gotten any, or substantially limited at best. But this ship sailed a long time ago.

The healer is a role, handing off healing to other players reduces the value of their role, and means at some scale of content their role holds zero value. There is no way around this so it must be accounted for.


Your title sounds like you think damage specializations should be healing tanks:

"Tanks shouldn’t need healers, there are DPS for that " translates to “Tanks should need DPS instead of healers”

Aside: this is ironic coming from a Death Knight with a notoriously squishy tank specialization in Blood.

Tanks and healers should be cooperative, not competing against one another. Healers have external cooldowns for when the tank runs out of their big personal defensive ones while tanks take the majority of the damage for the group.

And what “makes tanking feel fun” or “the fun of tanks”? Is it soloing a whole dungeon on their own? Sorry, but that’s not healthy for a group-oriented aspect of the game.

EDIT: Seems like I am thinking the same as Blizzard:


They don’t.

No, we’re perfectly occupied already, thanks.

They definitely do already.

OP do you actually heal? At a high level?

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Yeah. These tank changes are bad. I’ve main tanked since returning to the game and I’ll be stopping that as of today now. The self healing is about the only fun thing about bdk.

Once again blizzard intends to make tanking and healing tedious instead of fun while lfg dps suffer from a lack of them

What changes are we talking about?
I dont keep up on current events lol

Disagree. I really enjoy the state of tanking and healing as it is. There is more than enough damage to heal between myself and the 3 DPS. Having to heal the tank on top of it would be a nightmare. If this happens, there would need to be some major revamping of how hard the rest of the party is being hit.

Don’t really see the point to posting this then. People are going to react/respond. That and a debate on the topic is more likely to get blizz’s attention than a single post/opinion.

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Why did you even post here? Go write in your diary.


I play blood because I don’t want to rely on a healer. These changes make me want to quite honestly quit tanking period.

Very good way of explaining it.
A problem actively ‘‘avoided’’ is a problem “fixed”

I think a blue a while back described scenarios of trolling, one of them being where the OP does the hit and run thing.
Not necessarily trolling every time, but something to look out for, I guess

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I wish more people had the brain to understand this. So many people who get into this discussion flunked math and just don’t understand negative numbers I guess.

Tanks should have very limited mitigation. Enough to smooth out incoming damage at best. This over focus on mitigation abilities wasn’t an issue when they had to fight for threat, maybe we need to look at that again. The day of the meat shield was a more fun time to be a tank. When you had to trust your healer and your health pool. And everyone had to trust in your ability to force enemies to focus on you.

I think it’s good design to have each person reliant on the group to complete the dungeon.

It’s a group activity after all. Work as a team to accomplish something each person could not do on their own.

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which changes are you talking about? as far I can tell, BDK’s self-heals have only gotten more powerful in TWW, in addition to absorb shields and armor boosts.

Ok well it’s a good thing they don’t then I guess?

Blizzard plan to implement sweeping changes in TWW to change that.

It’s going to be awful for m+.