Tanks shouldn't have the final say on pulls

This. If a DPS pulls they better be willing to tank those mobs.

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I dont like healers and tanks act surperior to dps.

Tried it all and its all the same.

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Not really. I’m a 470 something resto druid who reforged some old azerite. The last time I really tanked anything was on a paladin in WOD lol

I don’t think they are more important but everyone has their job…pulling is their job not a damage dealer’s job. It’s not difficult to understand, it’s literally how Blizzard designed the game 15 years ago.

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Tanks didn’t do much pulling 15 years ago, bud.


Pretty sure there are a lot of trolls and button-pushers in this thread now

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In my experience most of the time when people start pulling for the tank it’s because the tank is doing it badly.
Chop chop let’s go.


Uh…they stay away from randoms because it’s more beneficial, in both time and loot, to run with a dedicated group.

Ah we are at this part of the expansion again.

every. damn. time.

Lets see how this round turns out. /popcorn

Yeah, this one is killing me, so many people saying you don’t need a tank for dungeons.

Then why does this thread even exist? Just put together your 5 dps team and faceroll it.

You really don’t know how I behave in group content, so I’ll take your post with a grain of salt, but you should seriously check yourself. You do a disservice to your fellow tanks.

Get better.

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I’d say some people here would have issues finding the entrances to the old dungeons since those aren’t marked on the map like they are as of late.

Being a tank is tough. We’re damned if we do, damned if we don’t.

I’ll pull fast and have people cry that I’m going to fast.
I’ll pull slow and have people get mad that I’m only pulling 1 pack of trash at a time.
I’ll pull ungodly fast and still have people try and pull more.

So, I always pull fast in leveling dungeons and heroics unless the healer asks to slow down. If I’m pulling multiple packs of trash at a time and dps still run to pull, I just let them tank it and run right on by them to get more lol.

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Normal level dungeons (which is what Leveling dungeons usually are with occasional odd scaling) I don’t bother making groups for. If a quest sends me in (like the tools of the trade) I will just solo it.

Lets see you push 10s with that attitude. There’s likely a reason you stopped doing M+ last season.

I stay away from randoms because I have a lot of demand from my guild already to do dungeons and help them with keys. By the time i’m done with that and doing keys with my push group, i’m too exhausted to do any pugs.

This is the reason why there is a shortage of tanks…


I feel like y’all don’t even know what you are arguing about anymore.

I will say that since the OP is talking about leveling dungeons, tanks should pull and healers should have the power to request more or less mobs.

I’m trying to learn to tank and heal on my paladin, and dps have made that quite difficult in a few spots. Not tried raid tanking and don’t think I’ll even bother.


While I do not agree with the OP’s opinion…
I’ll say it again, my lovelies…

The flag button is not a dislike button. Stop it. :rage:


Least the OP lasted longer than mine, I think my post was flagged in like 2 minutes, I was impressed.

I wouldn’t go there Rhielle. They’ll probably mass flag you again.