Tanks least respected role?

I don’t hate tanks… My tank spec for my VDH is 470. I parse around the 75-90 range for damage and the 90-99 range for healing on most fights. I also tank high keys on them as well. I have a fun time tanking on them.

If you want to dps and see big flashy numbers, play a dps.

we had 2 dpsers that are backups tank for us last night because our main 2 tanks were missing.

come tank for my guild pls. (being srs)

Yea but it’s a respect thing. I know they don’t “need” to wait on the tank. But running infront of the tank and doing his job is like getting on the bus and /spitting on the bus driver and saying “go”.

Both tanks and heals are equally treated like poop by the DPS bunch, usually the ones that demand perfection from tanks and heals are the ones who die to easily avoidable mechanics so they expect tanks and heals to be so good they compensate for their own lack of skill.

I have noticed this too. Many people think Tank is a desirable role but often in LFG or in Guilds those tank spots are almost always taken. Even when I have been in guilds my best shot was being a replacement tank if one the 2-3 tanks couldn’t make it that night.

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Good read, seems like the unfortunate truth. I remember raiding heroic Mannoroth for the first time, and then mythic. Tanking him was legit intimidating. One of the tanks messing up a taunt could be a easy raid wipe.

Now the boss fights I do I just walk in and can do it properly without barely knowing what I am doing. Doesn’t feel the same. Tank fights in WoD were a lot more interesting too, like Socrethar and the robot

They get one because “stuff happens”. They do it again well “Lesson about to be learned” because I’m not pulling off them.
That being said me and the game wife are like 1 mind in a key run. I know what she is going to pull before she pulls it. She doesn’t pull ALL THE THINGS!!! but she helps me set a faster pace than DK could usual. The only down side is other people thing they can do it too. They get the talking to.

I don’t respect them because they usually have a bad attitude usually. Completely stereotypical ect, but it is what I’ve encountered.

i tank for the quick queues. No one says good dps either. You shouldn’t be receiving a thank you because you are playing a more important role. That goes for healers too, you’re just doing your job why do you deserve a thanks?

yeah usually they are the first to leave groups and m+s because they know that because they are a tank they can get them instantly.

not really, dps are dumb and don’t usually know how mechanics work but healers and tanks are usually stuck up and think that they’re more important than everyone else.

There is a large gap in knowledge of who knows why runs when good or bad. I often thank any role if I notice they are doing a great job. Sometimes its also what role you play - as a healer, I know when dps is on their game (or not)… can’t heal one-shot mechanics and/or if someone is constantly in trouble, it’s noticable.

On the other hand been in groups where the dps did 80k to 100k dmg - AND - 40k self heals hps. That’s… that’s just omg. The best groups i’ve run with lately I noted that the dps is at least self healing for 20k now… and that’s a pretty big deal. Ran with a rogue who every single time he took a hard shot, he self-healed faster than I could heal him.

Specifically as a tank, if the run goes smooth, we time it, and no major mistakes, I am satisfied I did well. That’s the main role of a tank. Well and I also like to get my dps over 30k as a self-advancement thing. If peeps are generally happy at the end of a run, “tank job done.”

If DPS are pulling in your dungeon you’re going slow. Leveling my shaman alt as healer I pulled things before the tank he got mad and left we finished WC without a tank. The only thing that sucks about being a tank is messing up a mechanic because the chance of wiping the group / raid is much higher if the tank dies.

You should ask him to pull more politely then or say you will be able to heal it. Just running in front of him and pulling is toxic. If you were the tank and the dps just ignored you and did whatever they wanted how would you feel?

Are you the type to swerve in front of someone because they are going “too slow” but only going 3 mph slower than you?

I tank on my main and honestly wouldn’t care. But it never happens because I plow through trivial content when its OK to do so.

Only if they are riding the passing lane.

I literally never hear good job heals lmao

No, I wouldn’t be offended at all. In fact I wouldn’t be slightly mad because it would be making the run faster. That DPS is a hero. Unless we wipe from it. Which is very rare indeed. But I have no feelings of being oppressed by a DPS tagging a mob the horror indeed!

And then everyone pulls a surprised pikachu face when there is a major tank shortage.


because most of the time tanks dont use CDs properly.

I wish more people called out good play instead of just bad play in general.

I used to have a SS of a healer saying “holy s*** what is this rogue???” just because I was destroying everyone else and honestly it made me feel good about myself. WoW’s community is made up of what I feel are mostly decent people, but the decent ones seem to stay quiet.

It’s the loud annoying ones that do the talking. RISE UP, QUIET GOOD FOLK! LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD!