Tanks in PvP doesn't just mean Arena

Blizzard needs to stop treating tank specs in PvP the same for all content. The survivability debuff, while possibly necessary for Arena to keep things moving, are not needed in other PvP content. There is a role for tanks in team fights and discouraging that role (exclusively) is bad game design. Pretending that pvp is exclusively for DPS and healers is silly.

Certainly, the RBG community realizes this for flag carrying and base guarding. But only certain favorite specs. The survivability debuff affects certain classes more than others. Design better pvp content that encourages more roles. Don’t discourage people that like an entire combat role from enjoying an entire category of content.

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Tanks’ only role is to just to further prolong an already slog-heavy game. Want tanks to be viable? Then nerf healers to be JUST a support instead of being better tanks and give tanks actual ally shieldings and damage misdirections so they can actually be useful in a team-fight other than just being nothing more than a distracting nuisance that everyone ‘should’ just completely ignore.

Every role should be filled, but when Blizzard just wants to keep overloading the game with excessive self-healing, damage mitigation, get-out-of-jail-free cards, insta-cast spamming healers, and just overall ‘live forever!’ buttons (these apply to ALL classes), then tanks don’t have a place. Unless what you’re looking for is 15 min fights without anyone dying.

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Yeah. I’m not shaming the community. I’m shaming Blizz’s lack of inspiration when it comes to designing their pvp.

Isn’t that the same for healers? Don’t see anyone complaining.