Tanks, do any of you use the “Toxic,” withering dreams healing pot?

So I’ve been using the new dream healing pots but all of my tanks are alchemy and have the DoT reduction and the HoT when using potions.

Any idea if this makes using those pots good? Is it okay in an emergency situation but you still mostly use the regular pots? Or still never use them because of the DoT?

Edit: Wait why is this post in the Plunderstorm forum? You might want to move it OP.

Check out Enqiillion’s comment on viability for Paladin tanks here: https://www.wowhead.com/item=207039/potion-of-withering-dreams#comments

Honestly I think barring someone else doing the math for you, you may just need to do some real world testing to see if it’s viable for your build in specific circumstances.

Note the healing is also instant and the dot is voer 30s, so if you need healing NOW and then a pack dies or something, you might be in a circumstance where the dot doesn’t really matter - so it’s also a tradeoff.

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Thanks moved it I think!

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I just stick with the dream walkers healing potion. It’s definitely better than the refreshing healing potion and no negative effects like the withering vitality ones.

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Every tank should be using withering, even though the alch DR doesnt work on it for some reason.

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Wait it doesn’t? How odd. Something is reducing the damage for me possibly just Versatility?

Had anyone made a guide or video about the toxic potions, like what it interacts with and even specific tanks like Brewmaster stagger