Tanks and You

Where and what are you doing?

I let my retail account run out of time, and currently am on my original WoW account, with a character from BC. Was thinking of maybe making a new character, but idk… it is Cataclysm Timewalking.

I have no desire to play retail, however I do thank you for your suggestion.

I liked this line from Elite’s Warrior Tanking Guide:

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I’m all for occasionally doing an AOE run when you have the right mix of players but sometimes a careful approach like this is necessary.

Yesterday I was on my warrior and I ran all of SM with a few friends. We had a 32 shadow priest for heals, warlock, hunter, and myself. So a very low healer and only 4 people. It was far easier to mark and CC our way through some of the larger pulls than do an AOE strat.

We quickly finished all 4 wings and had no deaths. It probably took a bit longer than an AOE run but there were few breaks for mana and no rezzing so that sped things up.

Use the right tools and strategy for the situation.

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I’ll pull smaller packs if the healer’s mana is low.

Waiting for everyone to get to full mana between pulls is a bad idea. When I’m tanking, I try to have a constant stream of mobs to kill. Non-stop killing with as little downtime as possible.

Never let your healer have more than half mana.

Because AOE doesn’t exist right? Just take forever killing 1 target at a time.

AOE is fine, as long as the tank has a had a few moments to get agro on mobs. I do not have issues with AOE and tanking, with the right group it is perfect and fast.

As a DPS, you have one job: to DPS in the order dictated to you.

As a DPS, DPSing the wrong target makes it even less likely a tank will be able to hold aggro.

You are EASILY replaceable. You will go at the pace that the tank sets.

Now where did I say NOT to AOE. Please point to where I said single target.

Do you work in HR? Be honest.

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What gets me are those damn mages. It’s always the mages.

They just go AoE crazy the second the pull is made before even a single swipe goes off. All the mobs snap right onto them. Mr. Mage then thinks “Oh, I AoE kite all the time” and tries to kite all the mobs.

Either the healer burns their entire mana pool trying to keep Mr. Mage alive or has to ress Mr. Mage after the fight. The total kills-per-minute is actually SLOWER when Mr. Mage is not paying attention to aggro.

There have been more than 1 group that I’ve been in where the fights go smoother and faster when Mr. Mage has gone AFK.

Mages…the Huntards of classic.

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Brokenwind: Perhaps you need to study the kill order as a real tank, your my tank not my leader. I DPS whatever they mark IN Order and they still lose it. Replace me see if I give a crap I have a better chance of soloing the dungeon than you do LAWL

Brokenwind speaks the truth, much more direct then me, but speaks the truth.

The secret is we’re not tanking skull since you should burn it down fast enough for it to not matter.

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No I am the Director of Development for a Trading firm. I manage 2 development teams. One in the USA and one in the Ukraine.

From your race, to your guild name, to your post, I cannot decide which is most cringe-worthy.

Warrior/Bear tanks need rage to build threat. When the mobs are smacking another person, the rage generation decreases – meaning it’s harder for the tank to get threat.

When DPS don’t follow a kill order, things can go downhill fast.

One thing tanks need to do is let their DPS change the marks when needed. A DPS might see that there is a caster that needs to die first. Switching the mark is totally OK when it’s needed.

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Here ya go.

Are you hiring? Asking for a friend