Tanks a PSA

Also no, fury prot is to maximize threat and to kill bosses quickly (which results in less healing, mind you).

Dungeon grinding with a 2h, a Feral in the group, using Sweeping Strikes and Whirlwind is some among the best feelings in the game. A prot specced Warrior is absolutely gonna lose threat on a pack of 4 unless your DPS waits for sunders. The aforementioned 2h? Good luck taking anything from them if you they get their 2 GCDs of setup.

Exactly this. Tanking with sns is awful because the second you charge, the Hunter multi shots, the Warlock SB volleys, and the Rogue opens on X.

With a 2h and a cleave kit you have much better recovery options than a sns tank standing there, not taking damage cause they have no threat, and unable to get threat cause they have no rage.

If only I could pass the nerd rage I feel in those moments into my character lol


They’re still better than the hellfire life tap meta tanks

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git gud etc

I 2nd that with skill issue.

I find it alright, but yeah it’s not easy to hold threat on everything all the time. Here’s a quote from a now pretty old, but still somewhat relevant tanking guide intended for newer tanks to Classic WoW circa 2019:


You’re* 10 char

2h with sweeping strikes and whirlwind / cleave is better and you can rock this in 60 dungeons np.

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Did you wipe or are you preemptively upset?

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Here’s when I lost any sympathy I might have had for you.


Bad, lazy “healer” wants to AFK and be carried through the leveling process.


Anyone with a good amount of armor, good mitigation, and can keep threat, is a tank in a leveling dungeon.

Like… there is no reason to get hyper picky, unless they are very bad.

Seriously, I’m a Resto Shaman, just leveling through dungeons. I have easily healed “DPS” through tanking, and with the +45% threat rune I Have now, they can go just pure damage and still hold threat really well, which just means things die fast.


Bro im a rogue tank with no aoe threat ability. As soon as i pull people go crazy then wonder why theyre tanking a mob thats hitting them for half hp.

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Ya what’s with all my tanks lately rocking 2handers?

You can TC ontop of that. I def agree 2h is absolutely fine and the healer is just bad if they can’t keep up. But TC is actually pretty good now.

I’ve been doing 2h with Warbringer/Endless Rage/Furious Thunder/Focused Rage

Battle Stance>Sweeping Strikes>Berserker Stance>Berserker Rage>Charge>Whirlwind>Defensive Stance>Thunder Clap>Mortal Strike whichever mob I didn’t hit

Been doing great, pretty solid threat on 4-5 targets


Warrior here, when I dual wield I get hit for 80ish from mobs, shield brings that to 65. If you can’t handle that disparity that’s a you issue.

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Two hander, no def stance. Just making your healer do work huh

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Not my problem you can’t read.

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Per mob that adds up at this level.

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So what about locks what are they supposed to use?
Let me see if I got some leather or mail gear laying around