Tanking should have more incentives

All raid members should know the mechanics well. If you don’t you should be booted.

All raid members should be tracking their own aggro. If you don’t you should be booted.

All party members should know the paths. Really… why wouldn’t you?

Not knowing paths is just lazy. DPS in raid refusing to learn a path should be booted.

Your last bullet is ridiculous. Many fights become utterly unwinnable without DPS. You can tank and not die, but that enrage timer don’t care.

Your theory is silly.

What you’re saying seems to be that tanking raids is different from tanking dungeons. I doubt anybody would deny that. But trying to shift the focus from “content where there is a shortage of tanks” to “there is content where there is no shortage of tanks, and therefore there is no shortage anywhere in the game” is not constructive.

And in any case, even when running normal dungeons, it is the tank who must know all the mechanics and be able to perform them unassisted, because often everybody else ignores them even when it is explained in detail what they need to do.

Once in a while in a dungeon it comes down to, “Gonna let all you die so I can do the mechanics without you guys getting in the way.”

Easier said than done, most guilds already have their dedicated tanks. The role requires very little people compared to DPS.

That doesn’t mean bribery via loot is a good alternative. That will make people feel forced to take to get gear at the optimal pace. I’m all for making multispeccing easier, personally i think the only barrier should just be raw gear not specific azerite traits, covenants, ect.

I don’t think it’s good for the entire game to be laser focused on denying rewards to the overwhelming majority so a tiny minority with all the best stuff but no self-control won’t feel obligated to play the game.

tanking is the easiest role in raids

this is why no one tanks

No bribe will get me in pug finder. Its far less stressfull and thus more injoyable to tank for guild friends.

There is nothing that the devs can change that will encourage more tanks because the last of tanks has very little to do with game design. 85% of the reason for a lack of tanks is because generally speaking, the LFD and PUG community is extremely toxic toward any tank who is not a 100% pro.

No one plays this game to be shat on and demoralized just because they are trying to learn.

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You’ve lost me. I don’t understand what your refering to here. Who being denied what?

if is so easy why in raids and the tank needs to leave, no one want to swap specs at least for one or 2 fights? in that time you have 20something people just waiting for 1 or 2 tanks to join. 20 people waiting multiply those 10 min or more waiting for a tank? is like 200min of just sitting, if we have an incentive, some one on the raid, can swap to tank, and raid moves along smoothly. or very quickly another tank will join.

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Swap at 3 stacks.
Pick up adds.

There isn’t a shortage of tanks. Just a shortage of players who actually pay attention and put effort in.

If guaranteed raid spots aren’t enough of an incentive then nothing will be. All those DPS aren’t there to tank. They’re there to be better than everyone else in the raid. You cannot prove that when you’re tanking.

I just left a key on my DK tank. Two hunters not even trying to get explosive orbs but just were trying to top meters. It was awful. Once we set them straight after many deaths one of them tried pulling extra mobs on us to make up time. WRONG ANSWER. This game needs a rework badly in so many ways.

For a while I said I’d tank pugs again if Blizzard paid me $250.00 an hour. I’m getting an itch to tank again so I might start up again for free. We will see.

Being able to get M+ groups at a whim seems like a big enough incentive to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

IDK why but I pictured your GM holding you up in front of everyone like Simba

What are they doing on non-raid nights? If you’ve got enough people in the guild there should be plenty of opportunities for them to dungeon tank. That way they can farm up gear for both specs quickly.

There is no tank shortage. There is simply a shortage of people willing to put up with abuse. This is 100% a community problem.

The thing is that has a tank I never had any complaint, and I have more leeway to kick those who might do (only if they’re being rude) since people dread the thought of having to wait for more than 5 min on this game, dps are on instacall and healers are easier to find.

Same reason none of them queued as tank in the first place.

This is always hilarious though.