Against you and other elitists yes. Again your strat got nerfed youre not victim. Get over yourself.
That’s a number like no one cares about.
Maybe people will care about damage on a specific add set, but on pull 12 million? lol. Who cares.
And if people care, it’s cause a wipe happened, and people want to know why. Damage tends to not be something people look at then.
Again, you are the only one hurling insults. You are the one who made claims and everything points to it being fabricated. Get over it and stop trying to deflect.
I mean all he has to do is link the group hes referencing. tracks all completed runs, timed or not.
Link the run to show it wasnt 100% made up just for internet attention and you can go from there
No doubt from me.
Agreed, in general. Other people’s performance never bothers me. I only get bothered when I screw up.
Yeah at most its like “Damn that pally burst for 28M” (made up number I think the best burst I ever had was 14M but thats wasn’t with degenerate exploiting / creative use use of faction changing, holiday buffs and follower raid buffs going on so you can probably get a lot higher.)
But you don’t use that number to figure out anything as its a 7 pack pull with hero, PI, pot, AP buff, Vers buff, with an aug evoker and the Christmas holly buff on top of it. There is no way to recreate all of those variables again so it has no meaning in comparing it to see how well you did.
Thats why logs remove things like aug and PI.
I’m having considerably more fun tanking battlegrounds than dungeons, lmao.
And forums were full of complaints back then as well. As I recall, everyone was sick of (pick whichever the affix was that week) and accused Blizz of no fun because affixes. Some called to bring back kiss-curse affixes. And Blizz did! They revamped the whole system right before launch. Not surprising there were bugs or that it needs more tuning.
I have no problem with those who think we need more adjustments. I push back when people claim Blizz isn’t trying or responding to feedback. And I’m certainly glad they don’t jump on every idea that pops up in forums.
Yeah, maybe it’s because I play warrior and pally, but if my healer dies, I’m always the last alive. Sometimes the group even makes it back to me before I run out of hp. I’ll admit I have been globaled once in dawnbreaker on the first boss misusing my defensives on my pally then taking a buster unmitigated and once on my warrior charging a pack without shieldblock up or ignore pain shield, but I’m not a tank main. I do it for the vault mythic track gear rather than having to fight for a dps slot.
What’s the difference between healers having to plan for certain AoE abilities than a tank having to know when a tank buster is coming. We have to plan our defensives and watch incoming attacks and can’t just react after the damage. I’ve seen some healers just laugh at the AoE damage because they prepared for it whereas 90% (arbitrary random guess ) want to heal after the damage is done.
I agree healing is more stressful but I also think it’s been better than shadowlands where the healer did next to real healing and just focused on DPS.
I mean they’re just like any other company. It takes them a while to get to feedback and then it may take them a while longer to actually action that feedback. We all have different opinions and we all feel different. Things are right and wrong with this game. Personally, I miss the days when it was just heroic even before the days that mythic was a challenge mode. There was nothing wrong with it. It was fun. But somewhere along the way they decided they wanted to push the envelope just a little bit further. Now they’re more focused on what they can do for e-sports. I miss the days when heroic was the top tier. Then again, I also missed the days when I could just say who I was voting for without worrying about the other side getting some sort of retribution. We’ve fallen pretty far as a society. Video games included.
Judging from mythic plus queues, there’s probably something like 50 DPS for every tank and healer. A not small minority of DPS will throw a tantrum anytime tanks or healers do noticable damage.
Blizzard sees tantruming, and “fixes it”.
Highpoint of wow was twilight devastation. Being able to just go make full tank groups was great, the unhinged seething from DPS enraged that tanks could just ditch them was good times.
It wasn’t optimal, no one was doing serious push groups with all tanks, but for the average hard carry DPS, you really could just replace them with even a mediocre tank running twilight dev.
I agree with much of what you’ve said here. Personally, I have enjoyed M+ very much, but that’s largely due to it being a social activity with friends in discord.
Culture wars in real life are part of why I play WoW lol. Pure escapism, and friends who don’t talk politics.
Brah, I’ve been tanking since the Burning Crusade, this has not always been the case. Not the way it is now, anyway. When a tank had aggro on a caster, the caster would primarily target the tank. Now, the caster will target whoever they want to.
It’s funny you mention Grim Batol in your example: Grim Batol is from Cataclysm. They changed some things around with it being included this season, but it’s still fundamentally a Cataclysm dungeon and mobs tend to behave as they did in the original.
Nobody does m0 because there’s no incentive to. Heroics are a faceroll and the mechanics aren’t the same as in m+. Normals are worse than that. There are two camps of players: those who jump into higher difficulties anyway and brick keys, and those who are so scared of bricking keys that they don’t bother doing m+ at all. Blizzard could easily address this but they refuse to; Blizzard HQ is where good ideas go to die and garbage ideas are born.
That’s a very cynical and not very reasonable take. Not every idea thrown at Blizz has been a good idea. The ideas born at Blizz have been good enough to make it the #1 MMORPG for 20 years and running.
Not saying there’s nothing they could do to make things better, but pretending we know everything and they know nothing is sheer hyperbole.
I hate this so much in dungeons. It’s a way to make healers have to spot heal more but it’s super annoying
I totally disagree. The idea that Blizzard responds to a tiny minority opinion on the forums by making deep changes to the game is just out there.
They have a plan to achieve their vision of the glorious future of WoW. Changes they make are intended to move the game toward that end. Changes to gameplay are intended to influence players to make different choices.
They’ve made changes directly from feedback.
Eclipse system from SL → DF being a very fond one
You know how easy it is to math this out right and prove you wrong…yet again…right.
Also, I don’t carried…and again…98% your score…50% the effort lol…even without carries.
First one I checked. 3k in DF S4, nothing to show in S3.
Again, making your claim that you got 3k on all classes in a single season false lol
And this specific toon was only 2800. Pre-patch is after season where you got your other 200 io. And also inflated stats from combining 2 specs. This char is really only 2500 at best lol.
Still haven’t proven anything
Also, with same character, took you 80 keys to get to 2500. I beat that in half the keys.