Sad thing is they knew what they were doing.
Right, cause you literally have 2 3k players in those +10 vault farm keys. This isn’t a testament about you. Also no surprise that the +++ is DB and ++ is a Mist lmao.
Again, it’s not a single dungeon. I stated all of your logs are like this. I even picked your best log.
According to the numbers, you are the statistical outlier.
All this because you can’t admit that you could have played better in the thread you created. Instead, you kept trying to throw the healer or everyone else under the bus. The logs only came up because of your attitude and claiming your rotation is fine by throwing uptime numbers out that were clearly fake.
SS or it didn’t happen, like all the other things you claimed that didn’t happen. That’s what happens when you get caught in multiple lies.
You still claimed Purple which is still not true and a lie.
Near 100% you said when you average 35% and got 50% in your prog GB run.
This is completely irrelevant to the claims to you were making or the argument.
Literally copy and pasted your M+ parses, not raid.
You claimed near 100% DS uptime, 700k-1mil HPS, and 80% damage mitigation. None of which was true.
No, I play this toon every season regardless of meta. Which you could have easily checked before making this incredibly weak argument.
Lmao, again, go check past seasons.
Saying softly you could have played better after arguing with everyone and also not being able to specify what that thing is means nothing.
Says the only one who actually made extremely toxic personal insults about people.
You haven’t given anyone medicine. You make weak arguments that are easily disproven like claiming I only play Prot Paladin because it’s meta. You are also the only one here that resorts to personal insults and using disabilities as a punch line.
Your jokes are 2,000 and L8.
All to hide your lies.
I’ve been tanking since Wrath, so I’ve seen a few ups and downs. Main two changes I’ve noticed this season:
- Tanks have less self-sustain, so they can’t solo as much.
- AoE kicks aren’t as effective now (NPC casters recover faster) so damage gets wild if no one is interrupting important casts. Same pull can feel chill or impossible depending on whether DPS help with interrupts.

You claimed near 100% DS uptime, 700k-1mil HPS, and 80% damage mitigation. None of which was true.
Lmao when i have the character tab open and pop all my defensives its literally shows what i stated. 67% with DS, 82-83% with DS and Meta. And yes with fiery brand take 40% of that remaining 17% and thats 90% active mitigation if I have all 3 of those things up. I have had 1 mil HPS on bosses. Srry someone didnt log it for you. Another issue with logs. When they arent logged every single fight it provides little to no data.
I bet you love the sound of your own voice.

Then why are you still here trying to counter?
I’m not countering anything against me. You claimed that I’m here defending myself, when you have not made a single claim or argument about me worth countering. This entire thing has been about you and your lies.
You clearly don’t understand how logs work. Your character sheet doesn’t represent how much damage you actually mitigate.
You are also cherry picking “1 mil HPS on bosses” instead of overall HPS. When talking about M+ who cherry picks one encounter. That’s literally like saying I do 4 mil dps cause of the first pull with lust. LOL

Srry someone didnt log it for you
You realize that we can look at just the boss fights right?
General Umbriss Throngus Shadowburner
Erudax, the Duke of Below
1 mil HPS on bosses where?

Im out for blood on people in the community like you and grizzle and fauxstraza.
So…people with enough knowledge and self awareness in the game that can spot and debunk obvious red flags in mere seconds?

It’s also not deflecting when you are literally the only one here still calling people the R-word, “downs”, and calling Grizzle my “boyfriend”.
I knew it! You are ashamed of me

Doesnt seem like you understand because your claiming something didnt happen when more than half my runs havnt been logged.
Why does more than half of your runs need to be logged before the data is usable?
Is GB the hardest dungeon this season? Yes.
Did any of your numbers match up in this key? No.

Ive seen 1mil HPS on my meters so have people in my groups.
“Seeing it” means it had a momentary peak. That’s not a number you claim to do.
Was that my best performance on grim 10? No. These logical fallacies you love to use are getting old.
If I peaked 8 mil DPS on a pull, do I tell people I do 8 mil dps?

Was that my best performance on grim 10?
If you are talking about HPS, why would it be higher in an easier dungeon?
Yea you tell people you did 8 mil once. Ive seen a HDH do 12 million on a pull. So i will say i saw him do 12 million because he did 12 million. Wtf are you on?

Yea you tell people you did 8 mil once
LOLLLLL no you don’t. Correction, no people don’t.
The standard is telling people your Overall DPS and Overall HPS. No one goes around telling people their peak numbers.

Ive seen a HDH do 12 million on a pull.
Saying you saw him do 12 mil on a pull is wildly different from saying he does 12 mil DPS. LOL.

Doesnt seem like you understand because your claiming something didnt happen when more than half my runs havnt been logged.
When youre consistently doing bad in all the runs that are logged, its fair to say on average, that the unlogged runs are of similar perfomance levels.

Yea you tell people you did 8 mil once. Ive seen a HDH do 12 million on a pull. So i will say i saw him do 12 million because he did 12 million. Wtf are you on?
Thats not how that works. Lmao
Thats YOUR standard. How have you not come to this realization. No one is here to play by YOUR standards. Just like the group that says i need to pull all 4 of these packs at once. No i dont.

Thats YOUR standard.
No, it’s literally the standard. If you just say “I do 1 mil HPS”, everyone will assume you are talking about overall.
If you say “I do 2 mil DPS”, everyone will assume you are talking about overall.

Thats YOUR standard
No thats WoWs standard. Everyone bases things on overall
Like i said im out for blood on you log using elitists cuz you ruin this game. You do know the playing the victim strat got nerfed right?

Like i said im out for blood on you log using elitists cuz you ruin this game
So you get personal and hurl insults because people stuck to the topic and the game?