Yeah a nice center of the spectrum would be better for me. Tired of tanks that fail at huge pulls and blame everyone. But don’t want to take all day doing a dungeon.
1 or 2 packs at a time is fine. 3 is always a mess, most tanks can’t hold aggro on 3. Unless all the mobs stack up, than it’s fine.
But 1 pack, when the mobs are down to 50% health move to the next and that’s fine.
Well we got a lot of tanks that are trying to do these large pulls just so they don’t get kicked.
If everything is dying instantly, and you’re capable of pulling a lot more safely it’s a little annoying.
That being said I as a healer would much rather have you go slow than be the annoing DH who sprints faster then anyone else, pulls 4 room and dies or gets me killed (with healing aggro) because we are all 20 seconds behind them.
people are on farm, you are just slow . it’s fine , just learn the route and start going faster
I pulled 3 packs at the bee-ginning of the bee one, and the healer refused to heal me because I was pulling too big.
So naturally I pulled more
Can’t type anything though. Don’t you dare ever gd type something to a healer who thinks they’re king of the dungeon, because you’ll get nothing less than a behavioural warning.
Good thing Wowhead is saying there will be increased punishments for leavers like me soon!
This DH is exactly why I stopped healing for now. Some of them get so mad, but they are out of range, out of LoS, and at very least cannot be healed fast enough.
I think maybe you should stick to follower dungeons?
As long as the tank keeps aggro I don’t care what they do.
Problem is, these tanks pulling boss to boss lose aggro and the healer gets trained.
I stick closer to the healer than I do the tank.
Then make your own tank and pull as fast as you want.
Man I’m not even sure how to comfortably pull in first hallway. Kinda hate that part of the dungeon.
I pull it in thirds: left side, right side, and front by the boss.
It depends really. A lot of the time the healer can’t keep up with healing. So if that’s the case, pulling too much will just get the group wiped.
If the healer can handle it and the DPS is killing the mobs at a decent pace, you might as well pull bigger.
Do a tester pull of 2 packs at the start to see where health and mana end up, maybe make note of how many interrupts actually went out besides you. If health is high, healer mana is good, at least 1 other person actually helped cc you can safely pull 2 packs at a time or stagger pull one into the other at ~50% health. If not pulls small packs but make sure youre not just standing around after theyre dead.
Generally if the dps are consistently pulling (one off arrow shots and face pulls are usually accidental) its a them problem. If a healer is consistently pulling for you that means youre going way to slow, like so slow the healer feels they dont need you and they can keep alive the dps with threat fine without a tank; youve been passively booted from the tank role. At that point they have the numbers advantage and youre kinda just along for the ride or can leave.
I pull the first pack and then wait to see what else pulls with it. And if an entire side pulls, I pop every defensive. If not then I try and keep it to the left side, and then I do the right.
Normally I do not do one pack but since a lot tends to pull with it, I wait to see what happens.
This is THE reason I stopped tanking for people I don’t know.
… and you call others condescending.
i have several tanks and i do just that
When i play with my small group of friends and they end up asking me to be heals i will do just this to mess with them, all the while shouting in discord
“Healer aggro Healer aggro! TANK! Do your Job!”
I’ll start with a double pack and if the dps/heals struggle I’ll do one at a time, this is the part of expac where people are learning new classes/specs/roles so I give them the space they need for it.
If I get in and the DPS start pulling I’ll just bounce and spend 30 minutes farming.