Tanking discrepancy too high?

So is this better or worse than how much pallies dominated tanking in TBC?

Yes, there is obviously a discrepancy, no one is arguing there is not. It is a well known and established fact that DKs are slightly stronger than other tanks.

This is all it takes, in world of metacraft classic where 5% difference is the same as 100% difference, for people to declare DKs the ‘only’ tank and every other tank pure dog poo garbage tier useless.

Obviously, in reality, this is not true. All tanks are viable for all content and cry screaming about DKs just highlights a skill issue.
If guilds can clear 13/13H with warrior tanks, why can’t yours? etc etc.

BTW any DKs pushing DAMAGE are playing incorrectly. You should be holding deathstrikes for maximum healing rather than spending runes on other abilities to do damage. This is yet another reason why the logs you’re looking at are garbage and completely irrelevant. No one cares about tank parses, you are looking at one metric and ignoring others.

LOL it’s a little more than slightly stronger.

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How would you measure it then? What percentage? Based on what metric?

Keep in mind that representation does NOT equal strength, as I have explained above, we are playing world of metacraft where people flock in great numbers to play the class that is perceived to be slightly stronger.

Warrior and paladin tanks are represented in top speed runs, including one warrior who MT’d current 3rd fastest BoT. They are clearly still very viable.

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Would it be possible for an actual dev to weigh in on this subject? Are you all happy with the clear tank canyon that exists? Are you looking at making any changes narrow the gap between Blood DK’s the the rest?

Yeah, he’s probably the actual only person on the planet Earth that thinks Death Knights are too strong. In fact, I’m probably Abom without knowing!

Show us OG tanks some love Blizz

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If you think blizzard will buff warriors you’re insane, the best you can hope for is they buff shieldblock to help Prot pals and warriors catch some benefit from it.

Completely fallacious argument, the comparison is between the only viable and chosen tank specs you can play, whether x dps spec is as good as another dps spec of the same class is not at all the same comparison. If you made any of the classes to tank and especially a warrior to tank you are completely unable to enjoy the game.

Ferals and rets had litterally 10 times the amount of player percentage compared to prot warrior and was buffed to make their “only dps spec” a viable option, warriors only tank spec is the exact same.

But it doesnt really matter they already are talking about buffing Tank warriors on the secret discord.

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I always find funny how ppl cant take feedbacks that has nothing with them and wont affect neg them at all , like why u complaining about buffs and balance to underperforming specs .
Its not about opnion anymore this is not the fist version of cata , we literally have data now , just bcuz they can do dosant mean they are a good option wtf

Paladins dont have Dsac anymore. My main is a paladin.

Just because the top 0.3% uses a prot warrior or a prot paladin doesnt make the spec to be 100% fine. This is retail way of “balancing” which is… really stupid.

Both prot warrior and paladins do need help in general… I don’t care how certain top end guilds are doing SPEEDRUNS already and they are bringing any of this two classes because they are cheesing the parses and fights at this point…

DK’s Number 1 Main Tank!
DK’s Number 1 Mitigation and Healing Tank!
DK’s Number 1 Damage Tank!
DK’s Number 1 DPS Off Tank!

Prot Warriors and Pallys who TF brings those anymore they bring NOTHING to the table!

Feral Tanks they alright we might bring one.

They are actaully not best at mitigation. Healing yes, but mitigation no. Ferals are beefer.

As #1 dps off tank. If you have a good unholy set and pure dps, then yes. But its not thattt much more than a pure cat.

But if you have a bear with either pure dps set, mix of tank/dps set or full tank set and they are cat for most or half the fight. They will do leagues more dps than a blood off tank.

Yes they are the best at mitigation you are forgetting magic damage

Tbf feral is still nr 1 DPS off tank, unless you can proc vengeance somehow. But who cares when blood is just so much more safe, easy and optimal.

*confusingly looks at this Divine Guardian button*

Yeah, not DSac, but still DSac…

The irony of this post being the fact almost all of your runs have a pally or druid OT. And a good portion of the time they are keeping up with or sraight up out dpsing the dks lmao. While also doing better mitigation.

Warriors are the only ones i think are truly in a rough spot. They are playable, but a burden…

But druids and pallies are very often utilized, and in many fights out perform dk’s. Not to say dks dont need some balancing… but claiming they are the only viable tank, or the best at everything is just plain wrong.

Warriors have been the worst tank for 3 straight expansions TBC, Wrath, Cata. By no means am I saying they were in the position they are now in terms of power but still at the bottom. Blizz is not going to buff them. They will give the “warriors are the baseline” if they respond at all to this issue.

Yes they do. You put a talent point into it