Tanking as a low lvl Warrior

i/m a lvl 19 close to 20 Warrior. What is the rotation to effectively tank as a 2 handed arms warrior for DM?

You can’t do DM at level 20. It’s level 58.


The real rotation is your party having a brain. If youre in horde you can forget that.

Buy also get to 20 for your next set of skills.

Idk wtf is wrong with people and them going in dungeons at odd levels when they can get to the even level and train crucial skills. Especially on hardcore.

Just stay in defensive stance. Pull with ranged weapon, bloodrage for aggro and rage, sunder and use your shouts they get aggro. When you party aggros a mob just use taunt. Gg

If you’re in anger management already you can stance swap but only if you have 20 macros set up at 20 like i do


Dire maul isnt out yet. Youre not funny after seeing this in chat by the same 2 people that think they rule how abbreviations work in wow.


White hits are surprisingly effective. It’s good to have some sort of way to track threat, but also, you can only hit so many targets per GCD (like 1)., and sunder costs rage, so use accordingly.

This old (Classic 2019( low level tanking guide aimed at new warriors to Classic is a decent read:

Level 20 is a great time for Deadmines. Can even go a little earlier, but 20 is about right.

Dire maul isnt out yet.

Nobody refers to instances in Diremaul as DM anyway. I’ve seen some people saying “LFG SM” in a similar manner, but they must be new to the game, as the instances are not all the same level, so people specify.

There is a subset of (apparently) Alliance (only) players who insist on calling Deadmines VC, presumably due to the Van Cleef questline and to a reference in the original WoW paper manual, but it’s incredibly uncommon on the Horde side (I don’t recall any time even seeing it personally, anecdotally, and it’s also not particularly common in my experiences playing Alliance).


If you mean deadmines you have to know people call it dm:w as in deadmines: westfall. Like how dm:e is dire maul east, and dm:n is dire maul north. As for going as arms think you want to be a bit higher level and just do whatever in defence stance.

DM is Deadmines. If it were VC, then why is no other dungeon referred to by the initials of its final boss?

Dire Maul is DM whichever wing you’re doing


anyone who refers to Deadmines as VC is below the curve. Diremaul is always referred to by wing.


And if you want to do all wings it’s DMF (DM full). Or if you want all wings + tribute for buffs, ask for DMF buff.

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This is even more confusing. Thats the acronym for Dire Maul West.

You even pointed it out yourself


Anyone using vc is a commy.


Don’t be silly everyone knows when a level 60 tanks dm its dire maul and you are obviously not going to dm:w at level 11.

To answer the OP’s question:

For single-target you spam Heroic Strike (later replaced by Sunder Armor).

For multi-target you spam Demoralizing Shout (yes, it’s better aggro than Thunderclap).

Use Revenge whenever it procs for extra aggro.

Don’t fret if your dps or a hunter pet are tanking an enemy. Mobs don’t hit them that hard and you won’t have the aoe aggro to hold on to everything if people are off targeting different enemies.

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gonna quote that because its important ,u are tanking for the healer not for the dps , u do enough aoe threath to avoid mobs going on healer , if they go after dps its on them

a dps grab agro and die? its their own fault this isnt retail .

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There is nothing special you can do at that lvl. You just try to max your dps n push that taunt button everytime you lose agro.

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Shows you’re a late adopter. DM was DM before DM existed.


This has to be a joke right? Like really, never has anyone ever called Deadmines DM:W.


It’s always been VC. See this guide which was published before Dire Maul (DM) came out:


Page 9. No glossary entry for DM, but there is one for VC.

I don’t give a crap about a guide, DM was always Deadmines. Diremaul was DM + the wing or tribute etc.


That glossary reads like a dad trying to explain how he thinks teenagers talk today.

I’ll gladly concede that Deadmines = VC based on this book if you can also tell me (without looking it up) the meaning of these common gamer phrases/acronyms:


Kill Steal


Link Death


Mesmerise (crowd control)

Crowd Control / CC

Trick question, this is not a common WoW phrase!