Now, I only added that I play monk as tank as it’s the only tank I have fun with. Not that it’s the best tank or that I am particularly good at it, but practice can change the worst into the ok.
It’s tanking that I want to talk about. And I’m not talking about etiquette like pulling too much or pulling too little, going to fast or too slow. I’m talking about the ACT of tanking.
On the surface it’s simple. Find enemies, make them hate you and only you, do what your specific tank does best to retain that hate and survive the onslaught. Make sure that where you stand doesn’t get your team hurt. Your team should be able sneer at the enemy from the sidelines and pelt them with dps ( dank poo scraps ) while the healer occasionally hand you a towel and some water until the enemy has had enough and runs home to their mother. Repeat as Necessary.
Now many of my personal problems with tanking can probably be easily remedied by a quick read and a handful of mods but I do have a question. A request for advice.
Not taking mods into consideration or reading about a dungeon/raid before going into it, does anyone have any advice on how to tank properly? Like maybe a flowchart or just some general advice other than what I have already mentioned.
Like imagine this scenario:
You and a group arrive at a dungeon. You read up on some specific enemies and anything specific you have to do to progress the dungeon but what’s this!? Your mods have all broken and you don’t have time to fix the issue and you need to get this dungeon done now!! What advice to follow would help you get through this dungeon with minimal tragedy? (( Assume a team that doesn’t eff things up regardless of what you do ))