Tank/DPS LFG (DK, Multi-Class)


Long time player looking to get more aggressively back into the raiding scene since improvements in my availability.

I am looking for 2-3 days a week, starting on or after 1900 CST (7pm). I have zero issue server or faction changing.

I currently main a DK and am comfortable both as DPS and Tank. Majority of my decade playing this game has been as a tank, but I do enjoy the added competitiveness of a DPS role. I am open to playing potentially other classes, but would need to catch up gear.

I can be reached in game at Milroy#1497 or via discord at Milroy#1876. Look forward to hearing from you.

Hello Milroy!

Veterans of Far Realms is a horde guild on Stormrage! We are a progressive raiding guild. We started as a reroll guild in April, and now we are looking to flesh out our raid team. The pillar of the guild is our focus on community! We have a strong social foundation, and are very accepting.

We also strive to be AOTC in 9.1 and beyond. We offer a place where you can raid, and have competent leaders and team members that can clear content, and offer a place to improve and learn, without the stress.

We also do M+ runs, time walking dungeons/raids, transmog/mount farming, and just anything that sounds fun and enjoyable.

We also want to emphasize we are new player, and new raider friendly! So if you’ve always wanted to raid but felt behind, or too new, we offer a place to learn and experience things with a group that understands!

If you’re interested please add a recruiter on one of the following:

Discord: Purple_86#9819|ShovelCopter#0286

Bnet: Purple86#1959 |ShovelCopter#1477

Thanks for reading!!

Still looking for a home for 9.1 and hopefully get back into mythic raiding.

Hi Milroy,

I think we may be a good fit for you!

Hey Milroy,

Newly formed guild looking for a tank or two to join our roster to get into Mythic in 9.1. Last tier we were 6/10 and we are looking to push content asap in 9.1. Let me know if you would like to chat! Bnet: Travatron#1786

I will add you on Discord as well :slight_smile:

Hey Milroy,
Superiority Complex is looking for players like you, we would prefer a more mobile tank, but we do need a DPs DK in our rank. We did accomplish 6/10M this tier with a very late start. We only have 3 DPs slots open so make haste. We raid 2 nights a week from 8pm to 11pm EAST (7-10 CST). Add me on Bnet if you are interested to talk about it. TrueEye#1734

Hey Milroy-

We are 8/10M CN guild, that will be CE for SoD in 9.1. Just need to fill the last few spots on our roster. If you want to have fun raiding and can make Friday/Saturday 6pm-9pm PST, hit me up and lets see if it will be a good fit. The core of us have raided together since orignal TBC, and we are a non PC guild as we like to joke around a lot. I will send you a request but if you dont get it and are interested add me.

Discord: Nexed#4210
Bnet: Nexed#11653

Hey hey! Sending you a request on Discord!