Tank with CE Raiding Exp LFG (Barthilas)

Date Posted: 1/27/23
Class/Spec: Paladin/Protection
Faction: Horde (Barthilas)
Cleared: None (Please see note)
Btag: Neeko#11419
Logs: I can’t post links, but I have multiple logs from cutting edge mythic raid progression.
Availability: (Please see note)
So I am a multi cutting edge experienced Holy Paladin main who is currently an active duty Navy Chief Petty Officer stationed on a ship. The logs that I tried to link are from mythic SOD progression before I had to transfer to Sasebo, Japan, therefore also having to quit raiding. I was on mythic Sylvanas before I had to leave for Japan and unfortunately never got the kill. I am very experienced in raiding, however, and I love doing m+ runs! But yes I am under a chaotic schedule. I can tank, heal, or DPS. I would COMPLETELY understand if a guild would accept me as a DPS instead of a vital role like tank or healer with my uncertain schedule. If so, I would also like to main WW Monk. That way I can flex as Brewmaster or Mistweaver, too. Either way I would be open to discussion. I am just interested in joining a relaxed guild that is okay with me being gone occasionally for military stuff.

Hey mate, if you’re still looking you’re welcome to join us. Add me to chat further - Bnet - Forgotten #6674

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