Tank w/DPS OS LF AOTC + Guild for TWW

Hello all! I am looking for a guild to raid with in TWW. I would prefer to tank but not opposed to maybe swing tanking/DPS. If you peruse my achievs, you will notice I have raided at all levels from server firsts/CE to extremely casually over the last several years.

Sunday - Thursday 9:30 pm EST - 2 am EST.

If you want to chat please add my BTAG TheChad #11614 and we can chat :slight_smile:

Still looking for that TWW and beyond home :slight_smile:

Still looking for home

Hey there, we are looking for a tank and your times work with us. Give me an add on discord if you wanna chat :slight_smile: Finn9965

If you are still looking

Added you on Bnet!

Hey Finn, thanks for add. I just accepted :slight_smile: